Autumnal Psalm
Cerise stained orchards,
Wrestle Mother Earth,
Beneath the kiss
Of the stirring sun,
While nebulous clouds,
Headstrong and proud,
Take rocketing flight
In slow parade
Of their fanciful forms.
The wind whispers
Baby’s breath,
As marigold crowns
Touch bygone spirits
Of daydreaming derelicts,
Afoot their idle paths
To denizen pathways
And promenade illusions.
God’s bloodflowers
Bid farewell,
With poignant nods
Of weathered defeat,
To the enveloping shape
Of autumn’s drapery.
Here’s to the crimson
And yellow cavalry,
For her pride
Is soon to sweep,
Swallowing the amber fields
With limping stride,
As days fall by.
Autumn’s sickle
Makes her cryptic rounds,
With fevered hot
And indiscriminate lust,
For in this battling
Sea change heart,
Does autumn in summer,
Duly trust.
Behold her weary
Reluctant sigh,
As her valley of tears
Resigns her crown.
Summer now,
Has tempered calm
And lays the mantle
Of her majesty down.
Rose red rush
And ruby lips
Have marked
Her gold terrain,
Where scarlet weeps
And willows sleep,
To lulling melodies
Lost at sea.
Like a solitary soldier,
Crestfallen, ragged and worn,
The mantle steadies
Changing hands,
For such is nature’s
Time worn power,
in such a giving
And yielded hour.
The last of September’s
Hint of flowers,
Float forms
In a tragic dance,
Of ramshackle shuffle,
As God treads
His Holy feet with due grace.
Behold the changing of the guard!
Behold the fury
Of nature’s sword,
And that which befalls
Her fragile
And unshuffled
House of cards.
It is you to me
And they to thee,
As songs of color
Are now set free.
For autumn has displaced
Her taciturn shield,
Emerging spritely
With irresistible grace
And eternal embrace.
Behold, again,
Her weary sigh,
As she resigns to the earth,
Her golden crown.
Summer is peace,
If not cradling ease,
As she lays
Her sunny head down.
O autumn!
O leaves!
O Maldives!
O Greece!
Your golden kingdoms forever remain.
But pain is the course,
For the seasonal horse,
That gallops
Then turns away.