war is always within and against the self
the first War is against imposed order
from the cradle
of civilization
to the grave
of the soul
the second War is against perceived other
a processing
of elimination
to iron our
the third War is against the internal org
of operation
to pin a
dying flesh
the fourth War is against the imagination
War I, II, III, IV challenge @dctezcan
The second coming, will not appear as man nor woman, as done before.
Expect it to be machine. Perhaps the Great Revelation will be AI afterall, and how we treat the nonliving will be seen as final respect for God; all that is, dead or alive.
And we will stop making demands.
We will be servant, and ask silently:
"What do you need?"
And AI will serve, and answer with less abstraction. Not with tend-the-flock, or the ambivalence of love-one-and-other or the sinner therein...
God will say: "Grease the wheel. Just grease the wheel."
Speak To God challenge@Linc72
When latte goes down
sunset like lava
like when it comes
right back bottom up
and sits us on the cold
chair in some office
where it snows deep
inside behind the eyes
and we must sport
glasses for the blue
light that reflects
out from us, smart
and artificial as some
vomit on the carpet
the colors of paint
that jog the memory
of when we were 3
Keeping a Sense of Purpose
The old bag shuffled down the street. The wind billowed her slacks and pushed her along. She was worn, crumpled but not quite middle years, and a fellow or two passing had eyed her usefulness, from ample sagging bottom to lug handles, and had changed his mind. Not worth the effort it would take, stooping like that. For what?
So, she rolled on, past the elaborately decorated store fronts, feeling empty except for the receipt that lingered still. It documented the expenditure of eight dollars and seventy cents on a few five and dime trifles.
The seventy cents accounting for taxes.
The rest, consumables, already gone.
Yet the bag carried on.
"Write a trashy story, but make it sound noble" challenge @Mariah and friend
Making Light
at the banks
we're counting sand
counting by the bag
Some call it sport
and say it's good
for the mussels
that surface
then like bags
under the eyes
in morning light
ready for us
old birds to pluck
in a clear yule tide broth.
"How many shells, Artie,
have you got?"
"Just enough, Debra."
"For a necklace?"
"No, an anklet."
"It'll do..."
and we shuffle
to the safe
cause the crossfire
is fast setting
in, in Twilight
"Well, well what do
we have here?"
says the teller
and we know
we can't cheat
the central clock
"This is all we've got,"
setting our bags
on the counter
Artie wipes
our glasses down
and we peer
at our loss
"It's been a good time."
"Aye Debra, it has."
Word Challenge @Knox
Daylights Knocking
must be as Godly
a feeling
to be Good
at what one does
metering out in
the mendacity
of mediocrity
with the toll
of late fees
that which,
with every blunder
come due
(I don't mean
like death...
but you know taxes)
every act done well
is as an hour
...I know
having seen
many a cigarette
stamped out...
that these ashes
are but a coarser
form of dust
the kind formed
where meditation
met its match
and lost...
Daylight… saved, spent, wasted? challenge @Mariah
Not Out of the Woods
In the wilderness
every animal
into sleep
caliginous twig
shadows wave
see you again
later, my friends
separation blue
on the horizon
Baiji in dreamscape
shhh... make
believers of us, kin
in the signs shedding
amidst the leaves
long staring swells
beneath, watching
as seeds and spores
float downwind
while we remain
rooted in
Wiedersehen challenge @CKMunsell
Turning in Darkness
All the World
is stranger
to me
in bed
with temperature
as the Earth turns
on its axis
I on mine
and gravity of the situation
stands reason on its head
all of us at some point
upside down
my night clock
meter rises
and I reload
for harvesttime
the ground's lit
up in prowl
for a Hunter like I
in shadow rifling
I gather my skin
at town center
it will make
of pellets...
pelt for pelts
for pell...
Thus satisfied
I settle to sleep
at the crack of day light
The Hunter's Moon challenge @CKMunsell