Feathers on your skin
Peacock feathers on your skin,
Lips holding a tasty cherry,
That is our premodial sin,
That’s what we need to burry.
Dig and dig a lot deeper
Into ground and into ethere
Be bold yet tending
Be careful of your spending
For it’s your time you burry,
Time which you spend not being happy.
For me it’s a bargain,
But for you? Ask Hydin!
For we have only time
And time is plenty
For those, who are willing
To live past twenty
Year went by and the world didn’t even flintch,
We are dying, and we don’t even care!
Thugs and mugs are tryna lynch,
And we breath polluted air...
Thats our status,
So next time you show your status,
Either by a tweet or by an iphone,
Try to remember that Earth is our home.
And clean your room or whatever.
Random title
As you may already know,
The world is dying.
So don’t stand there,
We are dinning.
Dead corpse like vultures,
We are tearing.
Bones are left,
So you are stearing.
Wheels of fortune, wheel of life,
The only one that can break you,
So have a free spin and hope for wife,
Or a new car, but be grateful.
There is only one thing you should know,
We are left without the snow.
For there will be no more,
So do you best, please swore!
Street story
As I walked down the street,
I met a girl, kind of sweet.
We said hi and we conversed,
She was great but it reversed.
Shortly after we have parted,
She blamed me, but she had started.
We were great, like a fire,
And we have ended, oh yes, sire.
It was painful, I was sorry,
She was pretty, end of story.
I can only wish her luck,
She still see me as a lazy ....
Feel something!
When I
When we
When, today?
Well, tommorow!
Tell me why
Tell me that you see
Don’t tell me bye
Show me your sorrow.
Feel me
Feel free
Feel something
Don’t borrow!
Drink tea
Drink sea
In a proper fashion
Just drink and swallow
No matter what century
No matter what year
Yield to the power
No matter how hollow
It’s technically yours
But maybe not today,
Maybe tommorow
Day at war
Flicker of fire
and where once were something,
There was nothing
and where was nothing, there was sand
Dunes, stunned like hare,
Watched the scene,
As great madams filled the air
And lured like mermaids obscene,
Soldiers into their deadly arms.
Madams were large cannon balls,
They were meant to kill and not much else,
Meant to destroy flash and halls,
Meant to brick havock and poison wells.
Little cupcake
Day 1.
Boring day at work. We did some tests. They didn’t went as planned. After work I eat a little cupcake or two at the new Patisserie. I like the smile of the girl serving me. After that home to my PC.
Day 2.
Another boring day at work. Colleagues are so bored that they are not even fighting anymore. We all just stare at monitors. After work I went to Patisserie again. Mortimer’s cat, how cute name for such place! Then long drive home. Roads are packed, it took me the eternity to get home, then some time at PC and sleep.
Day 3.
Yesterday I stayed up late, kiddnaped by the sounds of music. Today I feel like shit, but the work proves to be so boring that it doesn’t matter. I really hate my job. Only glimer of hope in my life is that god damn smile of waitress. I needed to see her. After that drive home and quality sleep.
Day 4.
I dreamed about the waitress. That is really bad. I cannot get her from my mind. She is stuck like little pebble in the standing clock. What am I doing with my life? When does this end? Will I die living like this? If I find something I will keep you updated.
Day 5.
Weather sucks! I saw such a hail only in the movies. Ice in size of large tennis balls. I called in sick. They pay me to little to endure weather like this. One upside of being a matematician is that I can work from home. But who have the discipline? Certainly not me. I will think about my work but that’s it.
Day 6.
Hail turned to really intensive rain. Rivers are raising and I just thank God that I have safely builded house at the rocky hill. I eat some pizza and watched tv show the whole day. Nothing interesting.
We may live
We may live for hounderd years
Or we may die during next breath
We may stand to our fears
Or we may die a nothing death
We may float like boats of sea
Up and down like crazy waves
Or we may wait and we shall see
The ads on walls of our caves
Life is little moments away
we choose which one to live
So choose wisely your own way
Drive, dive, arrive, just feel alive
That’s our only goal
Metaphorically speaking
We are humans, on the paper,
More like joke, a caper.
We are adults, between diapers,
More like rats than a pipers.
For all metaphors were invented for us by us,
So we can feel more human, but we act as Truman.
Traped in our show, our bias.
And we can pretend, play a game.
But not always..