If hell were real
We couldn’t know
For Life and death
Prevail to show
That pain and joy
Is fairly grown
Across the mind
Despite the rest
Of a cruel cold world
Or a fiery breath
You see
What we know
As happiness
Does not come from life
Or heaven sent
Just like pain
It comes from where
We think our thoughts
And grow our hair
If life is hell
And we’re already here
Who’s to tell
If our minds adjusted
Relativity should be simple
To the mind of the illustrious
So if your minds with mine
You can see the truth
That what hell could be
Is only within you
And an eternal burning
Will not burn for eternity
As long as you’ve been burning
Long enough to return to glee
The two options were imminent, my mind was already made
Live in my purest form
See all the birds that swarm
Can’t feel the life inside
in a blank demise
Hear my own ghost calling
Tells me that I’m falling
Just can’t withstand the truth
Succumb my lively youth
Here I beg and plead
Against my own beliefs
Sound off on beds and leaves
tell the help I need
I hear no response
Sign of a fleeting god
so Lost in time and space
Wish that my life erased
I know I feel this pain
Try to avoid the reign
My own terror
But it’s
So deep inside me
Can’t see that deep inside me
I swear that it can see me
Swear that it controls me
So I
Guess I’m a living goat
Not in the way I hoped
See that my life was wrote
Not in the tone i needed
Underneath it all
Against my minds resolve
Guess I keep on breathing
What is this life I’m leading
And if I died today
I know who I’d be leaving
I just can’t stand that thought
What does it matter
If I’m in a bleak abyss
I wouldn’t feel their pain
I wouldn’t hear their cries
No remorse or sorrow
But still I know they pray
That I wake up tomorrow
And for that I’m sorry
Mama please forgive me
I didn’t have an option
I stood on that ledge
And saw the flames approaching
I had to choose a death
Dead or alive I bargained
For a better life
But it never came
Once again I’m sorry
know you’re not to blame
And when you seek that ledge
I know you’ll feel the same
When we both arrive
Locked in eternal flames
The flames from which we ran
Trial as a saint
I find peace in how
My feet left the ledge
The way the wind erupted
The way my body loved it
Gave me a taste of free
That’s enough for me
My ghost told me it was too late, I told him I was sorry
My ghost came to me today
I just wanted answers and I see that he wanted them too
As I kept my hopes for a message of hope
He stared me dead in our eyes
He told me blankly with no reservation we were our demise
He told me he wish he could share some meaningful advice
The execution of a plan didn’t bring life to his eyes
When I speak to him now, it seems I’m speaking down
It was all a disappointment and can see that now
What was done could never be undone
And thus the darkest thought
A roads bleak lights fading away, but no desire to turnaround
And if I turned around
It’d take more than I have to cover that ground
it’s beautiful when I look in his soul
A collection of thoughts connected only by his mind
Sharing no correlation, no master design
Existing simultaneously and sharing a time
when I saw him I swear I felt something
Quite the antithesis to this feeling of feeling nothing
I see with every breath he fades more
And repentantly that I swear to mourn
But if I’m him than who’s here to mourn me
I’ve tried so many times to be a reborn me
But maybe
I can live on as a passing thought
In the minds of a few people but not a lot
I see life for its truth
And that they never knew
So I told my ghost when they think of me, I hope they think of you
But as time grew weary
And our thoughts more eerie
In a voice detached from life itself
He told me gently that life is hell
And after that
My ghost told me that he had to return to his coffin
He said he’ll see me there soon
And at that moment I wish I was scoffin
I looked to his fading face and emulating haze
And without any hesitation or reasonable doubt
I assured him I’d be there in just a few days
Thoughts from the declined
Alright, so that’s it then? Time to settle I suppose, because life’s taken me so far I can’t think and my minds barred, my thoughts flowing, I’m tired of it, because the more it does, the more it realizes the life I’m in and I feel within that it’s sickening,The more I think about where I am, the further it disappoints where I was going, a place that was glowing, a place that I once knew like it was where I had been forever but now it’s gone, and unfortunately it had been remembered. I can’t fathom the consequential depths of where my failures are taking me, because I can’t go any further. I can’t go any deeper, because what’s deeper to someone who’s never seen it? What’s deeper to someone who never dared to dream it? What’s deeper can’t be more pain because the pain I’m in is incomparable, but that’s just it I have nothing to compare it to.
To say I’m scared of the path I’ve taken would be an understatement, a sick, twisted reminiscence of the life I lived only serves to lower me, because I’ve seen the heights of where I once was, and the heights of where I once was, now, are too far to see. I suppose non-hyperbolically that I’ve fallen off. The climb back up looks inconceivable, and my desire to attempt it is vapid, because when I do fall off again it’ll be just as harrowing, but at least I’ll have mapped it.
At the same time, I wonder what’s deeper, this route is like a drug, I yearn for it, and the Pain is like a teacher, I learn for it, because the more I seem to learn, the more that this all hurts, and when you see a route to a potential polish, and you fail to do, that’s detrimental knowledge, and it’s failed you.
Maybe these are life’s so called peaks and valleys, and I hope so. But from the peaks I could see all the valleys, and from where I stand, I don’t see peaks, i just see the balance of a world where we all peak and move to lesser mountains, just to pursue what we once knew, because we can’t live without it, but what we once knew is in the past, but we can’t accept it the future, as it’s grim and vast, but may as well go forward, as I haven’t gassed, because if I can feel this pain, I know my emotions last.
A Pessimists Rebuttal
I’ve noticed positivity attracts but
What’s positivity in the grand scheme?
One can never feel motivation to live
Without feeling an inclination to die
In the same breath
When A transparent mans thoughts run awry
It’s not often he reveals thoughts of a blue sky
But rather thoughts of an imminent casket
A place so dark, no others could match it
And when truth be told is as such
We tend to not think of much
We tend to think of the lack of anything
A place we’re approaching
So simple and complex
The concept we can’t understand
Is the concept that all life demands
Truth be evident
The ones who tend to be the most positive
Have the lives of something that’s fabricated
They live lies to avoid being aggravated
If pessimism is to teach anything
It’s to teach an intrapersonal awareness
That in the honor of fairness
Sees life for which it is
And not life for which it could have been
Because could have Weighs heavily
On the mind of someone who’s readily
Pursuing veracity
With the eyes of peerless limpidity
But In the mind of someone who’s similes
Consist of lies and delusional imagery
Their demise
Can be summarized as critically
Misinformed, in a storm of idiocy
So to a truth seeker who is as he claims
Living life in the perspective of flames
Is not only implied
But roughly self evident
And In the end, these truths are definite
An average emotional state
My inclination to hate
Has been a motivation of late
Whether the life dried through the lens of my eyes
The water running has ceased to exist
As the only thing I seize is the seeming abyss
Head hung, the ground moves
Brain dead, I’m sound proof
With every second passed
I breathe my last Breath
As if every second I died again
In the hopes of finding life again
Asphyxiated on me
I swear not to let my heart speak
For it does what others what it did to itself
Which is life without joy
And a deprivation of help
Incessantly I seek calm
I found it in chaos
I find life on earth a bit numb
Obsequious to its hum
I follow it without doubt
Antithetically I suppose
The Hand of the Pessimist
There was once a time in which dreams of greatness existed within the vacuum of a minuscule world, one that was full of wondrous familiarity, and little variables. As we wrote our dreams on the paper, the prospect of those dreams were the source from which we derived our passion and imagination. As years passed, we were told that our dreams are just that, we were told to construct a backup plan to our inevitable failure, which even then seemed evitable. As our voices became morbid to listen to, so did the words spoken to us by those who had embraced the harsh reality in which we existed. As our dreams shifted from astronauts to accountants, we spoke of lesser things and lesser ideas. A dream deviation was only standard and the line between a doctor and an engineer was no longer calculated by impact but rather by salary, instead of changing the world we let the world change us, and instead of conquering our biggest dreams, we let our biggest dreams conquer us, leaving us soulless in front of a faceless world in which we accepted as the only way out. At an early age we put our dreams in a bottle and sent it out to sea, only to be discovered and crushed once again, instead of looking up at space in wonder, we looked at our own face in wonder of where we went wrong, but as went is in the past tense, so was our passion, we gathered ourselves and walked back to the television set that was once used as a break from activity, but since activity had already broken us, we sat there mindless and gazing at the perpetual ignorance from which we derive our meaninglessness and inertia. The great Albert Einstein once said "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." If we are told our whole lives that we cannot achieve our dreams, we will live our whole lives in the belief that dreams are just dreams, and as the hand of the pessimist strikes we will fall down and refuse to get back up, where our once bright and buoyant dreams existed, we now only feel despondent. We feel weak and helpless against the inevitability of failure and nullity, and while the other fish evolve to have legs, we still sit at the bottom of a tree that never seems to end, and there we could stay... or we could turn and swim. When that very hand that struck you down hits again, we can get up, brush ourselves off, and continue moving towards the dream that is no longer tarnished by the words of others, and the closer we get to it, the more tangible it will become, and as we are struck harder and harder the closer we get to it, our vehemence will put one foot in front of the other until the tips of our fingers are so close to touching it, we can feel the weight lifted off our chest, that same weight that kept you at the bottom of the tree... But if we don't get there, our minds will swirl with what if statements, and we will fail to be defined by what we did do but instead what we could have done. The hand will no longer strike, but optimism will no longer carry you forward, and there we will be stuck, in the vast nullity of an unfamiliar vacuum, and worst of all, we might just grow legs, we might be that very hand that strikes the dreamer down, the dreamer that manifests all of our failures, that ignorant dreamer that has yet to accept reality, that ignorant dreamer that has a skewed naive perception of the real world, that evil dreamer that wants to alter everything we have in place, that evil dreamer that refuses to fail like most of us have done... That dreamer that envisions a new way, that dreamer that does the opposite of everything they have been told, that dreamer that has a courageous and powerful mind, that dreamer who wants to change the world, the dreamer we once were, the dreamer We still are, the dreamer We don't want to be. We will deny that we all have a dream, we all want to be something more, and the everlasting pursuit for greatness may be one too terrifying to take on, but one we all have dreamed of. While we might propel the hand, and have legs under us, deep down we all are dreamers, but we are all selfish, if we cannot have it we declare no one else can have it, and if we do work hard enough to achieve that dream, we must teach others how to swim, how to get back up, and how to fight for that same dream that once seemed so unachievable, in the face of a society full of what could have beens, what could still be is something worth fighting for, and in the words of Eleanor Roosevelt "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
The Hand of the Pessimist
There was once a time in which dreams of greatness existed within the vacuum of a minuscule world, one that was full of wondrous familiarity, and little variables. As we wrote our dreams on the paper, the prospect of those dreams were the source from which we derived our passion and imagination. As years passed, we were told that our dreams are just that, we were told to construct a backup plan to our inevitable failure, which even then seemed evitable. As our voices became morbid to listen to, so did the words spoken to us by those who had embraced the harsh reality in which we existed. As our dreams shifted from astronauts to accountants, we spoke of lesser things and lesser ideas. A dream deviation was only standard and the line between a doctor and an engineer was no longer calculated by impact but rather by salary, instead of changing the world we let the world change us, and instead of conquering our biggest dreams, we let our biggest dreams conquer us, leaving us soulless in front of a faceless world in which we accepted as the only way out. At an early age we put our dreams in a bottle and sent it out to sea, only to be discovered and crushed once again, instead of looking up at space in wonder, we looked at our own face in wonder of where we went wrong, but as went is in the past tense, so was our passion, we gathered ourselves and walked back to the television set that was once used as a break from activity, but since activity had already broken us, we sat there mindless and gazing at the perpetual ignorance from which we derive our meaninglessness and inertia. The great Albert Einstein once said "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." If we are told our whole lives that we cannot achieve our dreams, we will live our whole lives in the belief that dreams are just dreams, and as the hand of the pessimist strikes we will fall down and refuse to get back up, where our once bright and buoyant dreams existed, we now only feel despondent. We feel weak and helpless against the inevitability of failure and nullity, and while the other fish evolve to have legs, we still sit at the bottom of a tree that never seems to end, and there we could stay... or we could turn and swim. When that very hand that struck you down hits again, we can get up, brush ourselves off, and continue moving towards the dream that is no longer tarnished by the words of others, and the closer we get to it, the more tangible it will become, and as we are struck harder and harder the closer we get to it, our vehemence will put one foot in front of the other until the tips of our fingers are so close to touching it, we can feel the weight lifted off our chest, that same weight that kept you at the bottom of the tree... But if we don't get there, our minds will swirl with what if statements, and we will fail to be defined by what we did do but instead what we could have done. The hand will no longer strike, but optimism will no longer carry you forward, and there we will be stuck, in the vast nullity of an unfamiliar vacuum, and worst of all, we might just grow legs, we might be that very hand that strikes the dreamer down, the dreamer that manifests all of our failures, that ignorant dreamer that has yet to accept reality, that ignorant dreamer that has a skewed naive perception of the real world, that evil dreamer that wants to alter everything we have in place, that evil dreamer that refuses to fail like most of us have done... That dreamer that envisions a new way, that dreamer that does the opposite of everything they have been told, that dreamer that has a courageous and powerful mind, that dreamer who wants to change the world, the dreamer we once were, the dreamer We still are, the dreamer We don't want to be. We will deny that we all have a dream, we all want to be something more, and the everlasting pursuit for greatness may be one too terrifying to take on, but one we all have dreamed of. While we might propel the hand, and have legs under us, deep down we all are dreamers, but we are all selfish, if we cannot have it we declare no one else can have it, and if we do work hard enough to achieve that dream, we must teach others how to swim, how to get back up, and how to fight for that same dream that once seemed so unachievable, in the face of a society full of what could have beens, what could still be is something worth fighting for, and in the words of Eleanor Roosevelt "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."