One Dancing in the Moon Light.
In my dream we danced about as I held you close, our breasts pressed together and our hearts came to beat in sync. I would kiss you and in time we would have childern dancing along with us, our feet banging against the floor creating our own sonata. We would be together from the dawn to the dusk of our lives. Your nightmare to never come true; my dream to fade like a single note.
Why Fly When You Can Fall.
Five minutes prior not one person cared she was alive, now that she is dead more people know of her existence than ever, still not one of them cares about her in the least. “Why did she jump, who was she, will she be alright?" thease are a few of the question no one botherd to ask. The corpse was identified, and I wrote this story about her but I don't know her name, and I don't want to either.
That Special Home Within all of Us.
My name is Zackary, maybe Tyler, I forgot not that it matters.
Let me give you the tour, in this soul I hate to think of as my home, there are two hundred corners, all of them dark of course. Nine dead bodies, I hardly remember the people thay used to be but I just can't let them go. The pet cemetery is in the back, that is actually where my parents' marriage was buried too many years ago with any number of animals who never lived long enough to be rememberd. As I am sure you can see the floors buckle like my mother's knees and my father's constitution. The walls are bare, there used to be pictures up there but all memories are bad now. There is no need to show you the kitchen there has never been anything in there. The basement is where the monstres live, you know your run of the mill ones: bogeymen and actual people, nothing you don't have in your basement. Upstairs there are a lot of hiding places: closets, beds, piles of dirty clothe, well you know how to hide, but you should choose carefully you may be in one for a few days. It's not as bad as it sounds, atleast not when you know what the alternitive is. Lastly is the attic, but naturally you can't go up there, thats where I store my anxieties, and well, there isn't much room for anything else.
Thanks for visiting I will look forward to your return.
Why do I Have to be God.
The voice, Is pure as music.
The man, Is just that.
The voice: “Awaken." The man did.
The man: “Where am I?"
The voice: “You are nowhere. There is nothing. You must create."
The man: “Why?"
The voice: “I have chosen you now you must create a new reality."
The man: “I must do no sutch thing!"
The voice: “I am God-"
The man: “Then behave like it."
The voice: “I want man to show me what they want me to do, so in one week I will return to judge your preformance.
The man: “Fine but you will not like it."
Day one: The man creates a large cube planet.
Day two: The man creates light, it sits above the planet heating all six side and never stops.
Day three: The man carves out mountains, rivers, streams, and oceans.
Day four: The man creates man, not in his own image but worse. All people are alike there is not one difference in any of them.
Day five: The man writes the story of the creation of the universe with stars.
Day six: The man creates trees that grow all manner of food, and plants forrests of them every where.
Day seven: The man waites to here from the voice.
The voice: “What is this?"
The man: “Reality made in my image."
The voice: “Why are all of the people the same?"
The man: “I wanted them to know they are all equals."
The voice: “What is that in the sky?"
The man: “Everthing they need to know is written before there verry eyes."
The voice: “Why are there no animals?"
The man: “Animals are used for food not only by man but also other animals, and without death there was no place for them."
The voice: “There is no death?"
The man: “I created a paradice, it would be crule of me to allow thease people to die."
The voice: “What is your man meant to do."
The man: “Nothing."
The voice: “Would man reall prefer a world without work without work,wonder, worry, or pain?"
The man: “When you say it like that it sounds alittle dull, but yes."
The voice: “So to mankind this is perfection?"
The man: “No not quite, you see this planet has no flowers, yourse are pretter than any I could ever make, if you could lend me a few then this world would be perfect."
The voice fills the surfice of the planet with the most beautiful and diverse flowers.
The voice: “This is not what I want for man, but if this is what man wants I will allow it."
A Waste of Time.
If you asked me, ‘Why are you a writer?’ I would probably say something like, “I am not buitl for manual labour." The truth is I never had friends as a child so I madeup friends and adventures, storys. I had imaginary friends up until I was sixteen (now I have “characters"). Every day I think to my self I should have made friends, learned to play piano, talked to the girl with the black hightop sneakers, but I never did, I knew it would get in the way of my wrighting, the one thing I have dedicated my entire life to. The question is, ‘Why are you a writer?’ The answer: I want to prove to myself that I have not wasted my entire life, that every choice I ever made was not the wrong one. You may ask “How will you know when you have reached that point?" Again that is easy, when something I write is so beautiful and profound that it makes someone cry, until that happens every day of my entire life will be a waste, I am trying to prove to my self that just isn't so. Question number three: “Do they have to cry?" Answer number three: Yes. If someone told me my story was wonderful, profound, and everything I wanted, I would never believe them. I have crushing self doubt so I will never beleave anything I write is any good, eavin this, it's true, it's me, I will never think of it as being worth reading. Unless someone crys I will never believe they actull LOVE it, because words mean nothing to me, ironic I know.
Evil in the Eyes of Others.
Queen Grim stood and walked to the side of her fathers casket. In her naturally cold voice she states, “You have all come to celabrate my fathers death, you can say you have not but I know you have. I just want to reminde you although he killed thoughs people and started those wars he was more than a king, he was my father."
“When I was nine mother, father, and I went on a picnic. Father brought his bow and arrows; he let me shoot them. We shot at birds and rabbits all day but I never hit anthing, save the ground. Father hit a gew birds and rabbits, while mother taught me how to butcher them, father had an arrow brozed, when he gaveit to me he said, ‘You could not shoot a man to save your own life but killing is an important part of being royalyty.’ The rest of the day was dedicated to him teaching me to sword fight. I obviously used the arrow as a sword while father used a real sword.He taught me that with real danger I will always try harder and not only become a better sword fighter but a better queen."
Ezekiel stands and shouts, “Is that how you lost your finger?"
Queen Grim looks through the rows of over stufed pews for sevrel minutes before spoting her old aquiantence.
Queen Grim adresses the croud in a light airy voice, “No, he cut my finger off on purpose," She raises her left hand to show her ring finger is gone. “When I was twelve I met Armin and we quickly became sweethearts. Father actually liked armin Armin they wer friends, evinthough he was a stone cutter. After three months he asked for my hand in marrige. Father cut my finger off so I would not be able to wear a wedding ring. We married six days after." Queen grim lifts her right hand to show off the ring her husbind hand made.
A handsome man about fourty years of age stands from the front of the church and asks, “Why did the late king not want you to marry?"
As if contemplating, queen Grim says, “He was insane I was christend Grim, he killed my mother for treasin after her mind went and she forgot who he was, and he waged eaght wars, two of them needlessly." Queen Grim falls back to speaking in natural, calm, ice-cold voice. “There was one time." She smiles “There was one time." She laughs “There was one time mother, father, Armin, and I went to seee a show. That man (she points to Ezekiel) was playing the villian. The villian attacked the heroin, and father jumped up onto the stage and attacked him." Queen Grim throughs a smooth punch through the hot air. “Pow! he wes out cold in one punch. Father pretty obviously forgot he was watching a show. After the ordeal I befrended the actor and promised to tell him the tale of how I lost the finger." She looks to Ezekiel and winks.
“First genrel, it would please me if you would comeup here and say something about my father."
First genrel stands before a second passes marches to the side of the casket, clears hisnthrought, and speaks in a gruff voice that demands attention. “The late king, God rest his soul, was infact as queen Grim said, insane. Thirty-five that is the number of platoons he sent to die with risky and poorly thought out plans. Each platoon was built out of one hundred men. The late king, God rest his soul, needlesly killed three thouthand five hundred men. That three thouthand five hundred men is only the begining, the late king, God rest his soul, thought he could use war to controll the entire planet, he thought he was a deity in his own right, he destoyed twenty seven citys amd over ten thouthand lives. I assure you he is seen as evil all over the world, some of you in this room are probably happy he is dead, he is seen as evil in the eyes of hundres of thouthands, but not by me. He made mistakes, he ended lives, he hurt people, he did good things, not for everyone but for the people he cared about, in my eyes he was a great king and a great leader. In the eyes of queen Grim he is still a great father and a great man. In the eyes of others he is evil. Who is he in your eyes? Who here has a story about the late king, god rest his soul, and how he effected your life in good ways and bad. Who is the late king, God rest his soul, to you is he a king, a man, a diety, evil? If you have a story about the late king, God rest his soul, come up here and tell it!"
Over two hundred people stand. Queen Grim smiles seeing how many people want to share storys about her father.
Sanity at its Worst.
“Close your eyes," Dr. Blake urges. His voice is stern and gravelly, the fact he didn't hide it was what first made Grace trust him. grace closes her eyes. “Now picture the place you feel most safe."
The theripist's office comes into graces mind. She can't help but laugh knowing she is still in that room the only difference, a pool of water is absent in her mind.
“When you are ready I want you to open your eyes and step in the water," Grace smiles but dosent bother to open her eyes. “I know you are scared but I know you can over come it."
“And if I do? What if we never see each other again?"
“That is the goal I don't want you to have to come and see me."
“Can I see you if I get better?"
“No, I will only remind you of your aquaphobia. Besides I don't want to see you again. I want you to leave and never come back."
Grace understand he only wants what is best for her but it still hurts her, over the past few months she has come to see Dr. Blake as a friend. Her eyes open. She lifts her hand and Dr. Blake takes it.
Dr. Blake is an older man with strong hands he developed over years of labour, but the young lady still hurts him with her nervous grip.
Dr. Blake slowly guides Grace to the pool and she places her feet into the inch of water.
Grace begins to sweat.
“Don't worry I am right here."
Grace breathes long even breaths.
Grace falls to the floor of the pool. Dr. Blake lifts her out of the water and wates for her to regain consciousness.
“I am sorry for fainting."
“Don't be, you did wonderfully."
“How mutch longer till I never have to see your mug again?"
Dr. blake can't help but smile. “A few more months."
“Too bad. I want to be well. I really do."
“I know just be patient."
Grace sings, “Good morning." As she enters the therapist's office.
Dr. Blake says, “Good morning." with a smile.
“Are we going to stand in the water again?"
“Yes, but not today. Today we are going to talk about your brother."
“I told you that story a hundred-thousand times. Can we talk about something else?"
“No I am afraid not."
Grace drops down on to the Doctor's soft chair. “My brother and I wer swimming he had a siesure and drowned while I did nothing to save him."
“What could you have done to save him?"
“Nothing, we both know that."
“So you feel you have no control while in the water?"
“That is correct."
“When do you feel in control?"
“Then how is being in the water andy different?"
“Are you trying to make me worse? I should warn you I am alreay broken so breaking me further is not possible."
“You have refused to answer that question since day one yet you always give an answer why, is that?"
“I love answering your questions."
“Yes, you do, I just realised that. Why is it that you never say you don't know the answer?"
“Because I do know the answer."
“Then tell me why dose water make you uncomfortable when you have no more control on land?"
“Because my brother drowned."
“Tell me the real reason or say you don't know."
“I don't-. This is stupid. If you arent going to help me why am I here?"
Dr. Blake takes Grace by the hand, looks her in the eyes, and says, "I don't know."
“I don't know."
Grace stands and leaves, Dr. Blake makes no effort to stop her.
“Grace, how did your session go?" Her father asks with hope.
Grace shouts, “I don't know!" Tears flow down her face, she stands in the middle of the room sobbing, “I don't know. I don't know."
“Hello Grace, I hope you are ready to answer my questions."
“I am."
“What could have you have done to save your brother?"
“I don't know, but I know I could have done more."
“Why are you afrade of water?"
“I gusee I'm not," Grace smiles. “That's weired, I tried to convince myself I was afrade of water but admitting I wasin't was so mutch easyier."
“What are you afraid of?"
“I don't know."
“I don't know eather, but if I may, I would like to make a guess. You are afrad to admit your brother is dead."
“No, I am mutch more afade of my parents loseing me like they lost my brother."
“Grace, I would like for you to try stepping into the pool again."
The water covers the top of Grace's feet but she dosen't faint.
“So I am afrade for my parents?"
“That is what you said."
“How did your parents react to your brothers death?"
“They took it well, considering, but I know they will never get over it. I don't want to hurt them like that.
“That is normal."
“Thank you."
“You're welcome and goodbye."
“I am done with therapy?"
“Yes and no. You still have alot of recovering to do, I just can't help you with it."
Grace smiles. “Goodbye."
Dr Blake smiles. “Goodbye.
Love Is A Chain.
I love you, but I will never accomplish anything with you in my life," Oscar was serious but Mercella didn't bother to look at him. “I want to do big things."
“I want to be remembered as a great man."
“Then leave."
“You are holding me here making me waste my life."
“Then leave."
Oscar sat by Mercella's side.
“Are you going to stay?"
Oscar sighed. “Yes. One day I will pull you up with the chains you use to hold me here."
Mercella wraped her arms around Oscar's collar. “I hope not, I like life on the ground."
I know my love for you is my love alone, but your love gives my life meaning. I will never get you to love me, but I am happy to know he makes you feel the way you make me feel. I know you will be happy together. I bless the marriage, but I curse knowing I am too late. I will watch you marry him, I will tell you I am happy for you, (I am) and I will live on forever knowing.