So the question was "why?". Those three little words that I dread every time. Truth is I really don't know why I do it; The moment it's in I just feel dark and my minds in a dark place and I feel myself not caring and maybe slowly even dying and then the first cut ... It's like a rebirth. It gives me a feeling of being alive and right then and there everything is fine for a second and then the pain slowly creeps up on you, But it's okay because it still gives you a sort of a warm feeling... so why? The reason is to just feel nothing but everything at the same time ,, sick isn't it?
That sensation of aggression,
Tell me what you want,
Make me drop to my knees,
And let me give you what you want.
Let me please you-
Let you please me-
I️ crave your flesh and blood on my body and within me.
I️ want it rough, I️ want it with you,
Slam me against the wall;
Allow me to feel it through my veins.
Imprint your emotions: amongst my body.
Slap me, just don’t leave a scar
I️ want it hard
I️ want to be sore..
I️ want to be used;
6am thoughts
The smell of my perfume and cigarettes always make me reminisce
those summer nights
that rooftop
We’ll always be there together
Our energy
Trust game
Fall back
Please catch me
Before I️ completely fall off those pillars
The ones we once stood on so strong and haughty
All that sipped from underneath us
And you weren’t there to catch me
Once the drugs are submerged you're brought back to reality//
gasping for air as your lungs are filled with water; you wait for a life boat, anything to keep you from drowning again.
You think one person can save you, so you look for yourself, but I anchored me down, and kept me from breathing
You know what's funny? How they try to medicate you and have that solve all your problems. Numb your brain so you don't feel that heart ache daily, make you forget what's suppose to be your drive in the first place. You lose yourself in a reality that's created by chemicals. I'm trying to refund myself because I'm not this happy person anymore; when you died a part of me died and no matter how much they try to "fix" me, the damage is already done. I'm so broken that I can't be broken anymore. The meds don't do anything but coat the pain, coat my soul in a glimpse of nothing but a hopeless vision..
To my cousin;
The blood that runs through your veins is thick, but no thicker then the blood that your heart pump. Each breathe taken helps pump farther and farther along until you're gasping for air; laying on your bathroom floor. You used to be my best friend, someone I told everything too, but where did you go..?
Kicked to the curb
You know longer feel like my cousin, we no longer share the same blood and I'm no longer sad..