Motivation From Milton
All we do is stand around & record...
Instead of complying when he tell you to get on the floor...
Kick that Muthafucker right in his vocal cords!
You dont have to play a part in your own oppression.
I know how seeing your peoples die around you can bring on Raging Depression.
I think its time to turn it all into some Raging Aggression!
It has been too much time & we have been making concessions.
being sent up state during all their court sessions!
Judge’s handing out a real time jail sentence...
Man they the real Menace
to society & it’s
A real Fuck’n Shame how we up in this!
Fight your way out now Of This The New World Normal.
What will be routine going forward will be Abnormal.
Listen out for increased occurrences of the Paranormal!
Look to the sky’s for signs of the Planned Alien Invasion.
You have no idea what you facing,
you have been very mistaken.
I wasn’t supposed to tell You...
You Wasn’t supposed to Know!
Now they probably gotta Kill Me...
I probably Gotta Go!
But before I exit stage left & Finish the Show.
& leave You with All the Myriad of things that I emote.
I’ma Twist One More Blunt & Take One More Toke.
So Before they put a bullet up in my throat!
I’ma leave you with this here... one more quote.
A little Something for You to Ponder from what Bill Coop Wrote.
& At the bottom I’ll leave You with a couple little reference notes...
“We have been taught lies. Reality is not at all what we perceive it to be.”
-Milton William Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse-
Please Check Out My Blog
For Ways To OverStand The Truth
“There is water on Mars
They Knew this shit all along
YOU Really need to go
Listen my other songs”
Podcast Coming Soon!
Some More Quotes From Milton:
“In view of the law of natural selection it was agreed that a nation or world of people who will not use their intelligence are no better than animals who do not have intelligence. Such people are beasts of burden and steaks on the table by choice and consent.”
-Milton William Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse-
“If the people really cared about their fellow man, they would control their appetites (greed, procreation, etc.) so that they would not have to operate on a credit or welfare social system which steals from the worker to satisfy the bum. Since most of the general public will not exercise restraint, there are only two alternatives to reduce the economic inductance of the system.
(1) Let the populace bludgeon each other to death in war, which will only result in a total destruction of the living earth.
(2) Take control of the world by the use of economic “silent weapons” in a form of “quiet warfare” and reduce the economic inductance of the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide. The latter option has been taken as the obviously better option. At this point it should be crystal clear to the reader why absolute secrecy about the silent weapons is necessary. The general public refuses to improve its own mentality and its faith in its fellow man. It has become a herd of proliferating barbarians, and, so to speak, a blight upon the face of the earth.”
-Milton William Cooper, Behold a Pale Horse-
Free Full Text Of This Book
“Behold A Pale Horse”
Sooo Much More!
No Tithes ©
There are no mistakes only Universal Lessons. So listen to the Universal Expressions.//
Put aside all of your past Transgressions. Worry less & Focus more on Your Progression.//
You dont have to play a part in Your Oppression. Learn when, where, & how to apply Your Aggression.//
You are A Creator Being...
Go go out & Create whatever you want as Your Profession.//
Stay Focused on what you wanna do & pay no Attention to all the haters coming & going during their Parade Processions.//
Instead of doing Dope & Meth Let some art be your Obsession. You need no Pedo Priest. Just talk to yourself when making Confessions.//
If your tired of For Profit Prophets Tithing You to Death then
Here... These Words Are Free!
Just a couple of My Universal Expressions & Some of It’s Profound & Prophetic Lessons.//
To Be Continued...
A Recipe To Being Remembered Well
“I’d Like for them to say...
He Took a few Cups of Love
1 table spoon of patience
1teaspoon of generosity
1 pint of kindness
He took 1 quart of laughter
& 1 pnch of concern
Then he mixed willingness with happiness
He added lots of faith & he stirred it up well
Then he spread it over the span of his lifetime
& he served it to each & every deserving person he met”
- Muhammed Ali... When asked How He’d like to be remembered! -
Riding Fried ©️
I come to find out when I’m going through the blues
that writing it down is the only thing to do
so I could tell you all the shit that I go through
so I don’t hurt you or nobody else
i don't want to hurt myself
But all this pain inside gets to much for me to hide
but what else will I do but continue to ride some say I’m fried
I think they might be right
Straight To The Face! ©️
In this terrestrial life that’s a rat race/
I’m trying to get my diet to be a little more plant based//
So when I whip up this food for though for you to taste
You can take it straight to the face/
& know there’s no sugar on it//
The Truth Hertz
So I tend to put this medicine In sonnets
& Tune it right & put that 432 on it/
Cause this 440 Hertz Shit
will leave you all retarded//
Don’t even get me started or beginning with this shit/
Don’t try to argue with me bitch
Start a debate I’ll make you quit//
& Make you come to grips with the facts/
that you about to Tap out/
Your arguments hold no clout
in a rational discourse//
I have know idea what you was learning in your college liberal arts course/
While you was there something big must’ve happened like your parents got divorced//
What I SAY
I SAY it with more than a little FORCE/
Not one bit do I have remorse
with changing one’s present course
or direction//
So when I start to reflecting
on ideas in my head
Please hold your questions to the end/
I know it’s a common trend
for me to go over your head
with concepts that you don’t normally comprehend//
But Hey I’ll tell you something my friend
Understand what I have penned/
These rabbit hole’s have no end
or a bottom//
Do you really believe that was Saddam
they found in that hole
& hung on that video/
if you really believe that Yo
then here’s some more Chemo//
it’ll help you...
it’ll help you to die slow
Radiation will make you glow
I know this a ILL flow
I know there’s no hook yo/
My actual goal bro
Is simply plant these seeds of knowledge
& help along the grow//
Subliminal’s In Your Digital©️
Subliminal signals are being streamed through the digital
Programming in TV & Radio
plays a role that’s so pivotal//
keeping us enslaved individuals they have no morals & principles
they have Turned the population into simpleton imbeciles//
when you reincarnate & awake you think your original
forgetting all the ILL Shit that these Muthafuckers done did-to-you//
victims of a soul recycle system
serfs under the boot of a fascist & evil kingdom
here just take this pill... pay no attention to it’s symptoms
they say it’ll help you, but really it just helps them clock their billions//
trillions fund black budget projects some say controlled by reptilians//
speaking of reptilians are we really just gonna wait for Bill & Hillary’s death list you reach a million//
while we focus on whether our girls have Brazilians
& argue over opinions of movie critics telling us that Star Wars is wack//
even though time is an illusion it’s time for us to take control of our lives & our minds back//
so stop sippin lean & leave the crack & smack alone
stop acting like you gangster cause you ain’t no Al Capone//
besides... he died in prison diseased & all alone
look for those to admire in those who are closer to home//
like I always tell you
your consciousness is multidimensional
even though your body’s a fuck’n drone//
like with any other thing to be skilled you just have to practice & hone//
this all sounds like a daunting task
but when you developed it feels like an ability that you always have known
almost as if you didn’t have to be shown//
Please Check Out My Blog
“There is water on Mars
They Knew this shit all along
YOU Really need to go
Listen my other songs”
Podcast Coming Soon!
Just Get Somewhere ©️
Proses that will
Pump up your Pineal
are Personally
Provided by...
This Multidimensional Person
with a preponderance for
pointing out poignant points for you to ponder
Pardon me But I’ve prepared a perfect speech
& now it’s time for me to Preach...//
But This ain’t a Sermon I’m preaching through this mic device
it’s simply Advice//
More Enlightened than most of these Other Baptized Rap guys
even though in school & church always got chastised & Advised//
to stop my line of questioning
Always just Fuck’n threatening
with some type of isolation And
Fuck You
is what I say to them//
I’ll always choose my Freedom from your Oppression then
Spit in the face of the oppressive men//
who try & point in the direction
of the nearest correction penn//
have You sitting in the back saying oh not again what ever I do & say they condemn//
Damned if I do
Damned if I don't
how bout just simply
Fuck You!
I won’t//
Do What You Say
Just Cause You Say
This is a game
I will Not Play
cause my People You Slay
& then walk away//
leave’em in the gutters
it makes me just shutter
with anger
Fuck All Of You Corporations
Fuck All You bankers//
Fuck All Of You Judges
I’d rather just hang in the streets with the Bangers//
Flying their flag for their cause
Man the reasons you’ll die for has flaws//
watch worldstar & Add Your applause
While You still all just lost in the sauce
with scientists I Will continue to toss//
Ideas in the air
so we can compare
Just Get Somewhere!//
Please Check Out My Blog
For Ways To OverStand The Truth
“There is water on Mars
They Knew this shit all along
YOU Really need to go
Listen my other songs”
Podcast Coming Soon!
New Years Resolutions ©️
On New Years Day I called my my father when I got outta bed//
Found out the awesome news that my cousin shot himself & that he is dead//
his girl used the kids as weapons
& got all in his head//
the world is filled with this type of shit
& never empty of dread//
but this is just the type of heavy shit that rolls around in my head//
I’m trying to free myself from a life always seeing in red//
have so much family I can’t even list all the bloodshed//
But I can’t let it go on no more with it left being unsaid...
To All My Family & Friends
More than an alchemist loves to transmute some gold from some lead//
R.I.P. Cuzzo
Lessons From My Demon’s©️
These Demons managed & kept Encaged Ain’t just little Gremlins
These Demons kept at bey Are Beasts & Bare striking Resemblance
To Viscous Violent Reptilians Filled with Hate who love to seek their Vengeance!
But I can hear the hounds of Hell & Stay clear of the Fiery Entrance
through All 6 senses I can feel these
Beasts Deep Growling Presence.
Nothing can scare me,
not even them
Cause I am pure of Essence
So this Righteous Man will walk Upright
Regardless of my Transgressions.
I am a Prophet sent from Above...
Take head to my Prophetic Lessons!
Please Check Out My Blog
For Ways To OverStand The Truth
“There is water on Mars
They Knew this shit all along
YOU Really need to go
Listen my other songs”
Podcast Coming Soon!