Thank You
I have so many questions for you
That will never be answered.
What do you think about every night
Before you close your eyes?
How did you decide
That I was “the one?”
What are you thinking
When you look into my eyes?
Do you really love me
As much as you say you do?
The world can be a scary place.
You make me forget that.
I think I’ve found the one person
Who can make my life
The fairytale I’ve always dreamed of.
We don’t need others approval.
We don’t need the world to know everything.
I must admit I doubted this at first.
I thought we would never make it.
I didn’t think we would get past awkward,
But we made it.
Every spare second I have
Is spent thinking about you.
Somehow, I’ve always known
You were my perfect match.
When I look into your eyes,
I can see our future.
I love you more than you will ever know.
No one has ever felt the same way about me
As I have about them.
I’m so glad you’re a part of my life.
I’m so glad you chose me.
I haven’t known you my whole life.
We have no history.
We’ve been together
For the majority of the time
We’ve been in each other’s lives.
It’s scary to think that a year ago,
I didn’t know who you were
And now, I can’t imagine life without you.
I’m so lucky to be loved by someone like you.
Thank you for everything.
Sentences in 4 English Speaking Countries
"Get off your ass, dickbag!"
"Get off your filthy arse you filthy wanker!"
"'Right then, move aside 'fore I bash ya."
"Can you get up please?"
"Yo get out of the way, im watching football you ass face!"
"Aye lad, if you dont move i'll move you myself."
"Oi mate, get out the way you dumb prick."
"Excuse me, the hockey match is on, could you get out of the way please?"
"Why are Canadians so nice?"
"Fuckin' Aussies, i'll bash every damn one of them arsefaces."
"Why does America stink so much?"
You Are My Madness
Madness is staying up every night
not caring about getting enough sleep
if it means I get to talk to you.
Madness is it being impossible
for you to ever leave my mind.
No matter what I’m doing,
you are part of my thoughts.
Madness is all the doubts I have
when you aren’t by my side.
It’s the way every fear melts away
the second you wrap me in your arms.
Madness is all I’ve given up
just to be with you.
I would sacrifice almost everything
to be with you forever.
Madness is not caring how quickly
you could change your mind about me.
You could leave me any second,
but it doesn’t matter.
I want as much of you as you’re willing to give.
Madness is believing all the promises
even though the odds are against us.
You say you could never stop loving me.
I hope it’s true.
Madness is believing we can make it.
We don’t have a chance,
but you make me believe it will all be okay.
You are my madness.
You are the cause of my anxiety,
but you are also the reliever of my stress.
I don’t know what the future holds,
but it will all be okay
if you stay.
There is one person on this Earth in whom I have complete faith. She is my best friend. I know I can count on her. I know she will always be there for me. She listens to me. She cares about me. It doesn’t matter how many times I complain and complain about the same thing over and over again. She helps me through everything. She is the most loyal person I know. I don’t know what I would do without her. I might fall apart. I hope she stays a part of my life for a very long time. She makes me happy. She makes me feel less weird and out of place. I am so lucky to have someone like her in my life. I hope she knows she can trust me too.
Gunshots fire all around me,
The air is heavy with smoke and soot,
I crotch low to the ground,
Hair tucked in my hat.
My finger on the trigger,
I hate this.
I trace the ring on my left hand,
Thinking of you I shoot,
I must live for you,
Not yet can I die.
All I see is pain and death,
Did the man I shot,
Have a wife?
I must not give in,
To survive, I must hide,
My passion,
My sweet side.
Help me.
Running I see bodies,
I try not look,
Not that I would recognize,
Any of the remains.
The booming of the cannons,
The crisp bangs of the guns,
Seem never ending.
I see people dying,
I struggle to protect the wounded,
Careful about my low supply,
Of ammunition.
Pain rips trough my side,
I collapse, gasping,
Dizziness over takes me.
No, I must live,
My hand clenches my side,
Blood is gushing.
Crawling feels like agony,
I need to make it back,
To the safe place.
I love you.
Tears are flowing hard now,
I might not make it,
The blood is coming fast,
Way too fast.
Help me.
You Were Worth It
i’ve seen the change in you
the way you’ve gone from loving
to cold and distant
in almost no time at all
i see the way you protect your phone
you think i don’t know
i hate to break it to you
but i’m not as oblivious as you think
and through it all,
i remember a time
when you loved me
i remember a time
when i was the only girl you could see
i remember a time
when i was enough for you
i think i made you happy for a while
i think i helped you
out of the dark space
you forced yourself into
i’d be lying
if i said you didn’t help me too
you listened to me
you cared for me
you made me laugh
you have no idea how long it had been
since anyone had been able
to put me in such a constant state
of happiness
i ended up getting hurt
but it was all worth it
I Love You
i doubt a lot
i have trouble believing
what can’t be seen
but there is one thing
i know to be true
there is one thing
i am sure
could never be proven wrong
i love you
i really do
i love you with everything i am
everything i have been
everything i will be
it will never matter to me
whether or not you feel the same
your feelings for me
don’t affect my feelings for you
i’ve been waiting my whole life
to find someone
i have an unwavering affection for
that person is you
and it always will be
it doesn’t matter what happens
you will always hold my heart
you will hold my life
wherever you go
it’s yours
i will trust you
with my most valuable
and most guarded possession
i trust you
i love you
i am yours
don’t leave me behind
i need you