Sestina to the Movies
Salty and awash in butter, popcorn
goes from bucket to tongue in the glowing dark
of the theater. My mind focused on the film
as I try to sip Coke and discern inscrutable wisdom
at the same time—or perhaps just watch explosions.
I sit in homage to the filmmaker’s art.
It’s true, not all movies aim to be art—
There’s the summer flicks aiming at popcorn
sales; the movies with fewer words than explosions;
teen comedies reallymade for an excuse to be in the dark
with a date, because conventional wisdom
holds that drive-ins aren’t actually about the film.
I do have fond memories of those films.
We don’t always want capital “A” art.
Sometimes we want to fling away wisdom
and just sit down with some friends, drinks, popcorn,
and see James Bond dodge explosions,
or watch mutant sheep prey on farmers in the dark.
Ultimately, those innumerable hours spent in the dark
watching the good, the bad, and the ugly of films
did a lot more for me than kill time with explosions,
laughter, or explosion-inspired laughter. They taught me what art
can be, for all people. For Roger Ebert and the popcorn
chewers, for the gulpers-down of laughter and the devotees of wisdom.
And films can bring wisdom,
carrying us forward from the dark
to illumination in moments when the popcorn
rests, forgotten, in the bowl. All those films
that molded me, revealed to my nascent mind the nature, the art,
the exultation and sadness of humanity, entered my world as explosions.
Occasionally, violent. Often shaking. Explosions
opening passages as TNT and making wisdom
where before unconnected tracks butted mountains. The art
that Coppola and Kubrick brought to the dark
of the cinema, or that my first favorite film
brought to my VCR as I, unanticipating, munched popcorn.
It’s funny how popcorn and art
can complement each other, how films in the dark
can have so much wisdom—and really cool explosions.
Three weeks ago I froze
half the chicken from the club pack, and
two months ago our daughters
planted basil on our porch, and
two years ago the vines
formed grapes that dangled in the sun, and
decades ago today you
were born.
You will come home from work on this
rainy, jet-lagged Wednesday, and I
will have cooked that Thai dish and
poured glasses of Gewurztraminer.
You will sit at our table, and I will
give thanks for many things.
To my father.
Let it be known
You never let me down
Let it be clear
You were always holding me up
Let it be understood
That you never faltered in your love
Let others see
You would move mountains for me
Let it be said
You showed me how to clear me thoughts
Let it be heard
Your guidance & advice was always spot on
Let it be felt
Your absence is felt & the void will be evermore
Let it be linked
The bond we shared was so strong, unbreakable in this world & beyond.
I can smell when your near, I can feel your concern,
My father I am ok, just grieving am I.
Remember you taught me well
I am my father’s daughter
I am as strong as an ox
Emotions will be felt
I let you know now
I will thrive & live for both.
Author: Ellysa Greenhalgh
This poem is a good representation of my poetry. I write very personal poems based on personal experience.
Anyone can relate to poems, any age range, this poem is more for the emotionally mature reader.
I believe I would be a good fit as people relate to my poems, & often feel a emotional response.
Every piece of writing should get a emotional response from the reader.
What is Memory and Ego?
My pain is forever
A piece of me.
My history stored
In files to read.
There's all kinds of files
Some hard and some easy
I guess each one
Is a gift to me.
Each Experience a lesson
An aide from here
To there.
Demons play and tease and
Angels teach and hold and
Past lives and ghosts and dieties too.
Each one a being,
Just like you!
DNA made a body to hold,
Soul is something and Glue,
And then the two stick
And Three makes you!
Untitled current book of poetry and short stories, age 5-500, word count not applicable, mostly handwritten, but 60ish typed pages, Brigid Faye, People need my writing, A Guide to emotion, anyone and everyone, bio? I am an autistic adhd bipolar they with an IQ of 128. I went to the school of hard knocks, but I have 126.5 college credits. No platform. I like colored pens and notebooks and nature and learning interesting things. My hobbies are learning how to take care of myself, writing poems and songs, and studying Vibrational Astrology. Hodgenville, Kentucky. 23.
We Are Rats
“Our dried voices, when
We whisper together
Are quiet and meaningless
As wind in dry grass
or rats’ feet over broken glass
In our dry cellar”
Silence sounds,
it echoes
then rebounds.
They speak through their drunken sleep.
Not words,
but dreams.
Never avid,
ever rabid.
These ravenous rodents,
they’re ready for their next meal.
They crave something.
They won’t be saved without it.
They know it’s missing.
They know they need it.
And as time goes by,
they grow more blinded.
They have lost their minds.
Faces hanging mournfully.
Eyes that scarcely see.
Their bodies touching
not feeling.
Their mouths moving
never speaking.
Their cries never heard over the deafening silence.
The silence.
It resonates through our void
a silence whose intensity builds
and builds
and builds,
Multiplying infinitely,
never reaching crescendo.
There is no end to this madness.
So, it goes
and on
and on.
Our hearts grow cold,
our minds grow numb.
Dreary days trudge on
lumbering like soldiers returning from defeat.
They know nothing but their own insignificance.
These days walk
and on
and on
Their burden
and building
and building.
In this melancholic state
it’s easy to dissociate.
Is sanity fading or is has a myth become a reality?
Because as I speak, I see the incubus creep, and tonight he sleeps in my house.
He’s there.
I see Him.
I’m certain.
I feel him watching me from that dark corner.
He’s drunk on eager anticipation.
He’s waiting for me to lose my sight and to fall into his trap,
to slip into the unconscious realm
of existence, without resistance.
and only then,
will he wreak his havoc.
I will not be his victim,
I won’t concede.
But he whispers in my ear a little seed,
the spawn of a scheme –
It’s far too good to be true,
I assure you.
This is the work of God himself.
I’m certain.
Him and His grand scheme.
Now he offers me this escape
but it’s fake,
I can guarantee.
A deal I won’t ever take.
He asks I take his hand
to fly with Him
to paradise,
yet the price
too high.
He can take all that he wishes.
All but my mind.
I know my consciousness holds the key.
I can’t let him take it from me.
But for now,
So long as I lie awake,
ever conscious of that sly snake,
I am safe.
and round
and round we go.
Pathetic rats
running rampant.
in our pathetic little cage.