Welcome back~
Hey guys, it's been a long time since I've posted on Prose. Checking back on my last post, it was way back in August. I truly apologise for not posting in a while. That's because I've been really busy juggling my extracurricular activities and my school life. So here's a little update!
My exams have just finished around a month back and I'm proud to say that I did well. I topped my class for this year and I'm so incredibly grateful. I prepared for my exams for around a month and I'm really happy with how the exams turned out! Other than that, my teachers have also asked me to help them with a few projects!
I'm also doing loads of extracurricular activities. I'm so excited to finally publish my website for my blogs! I have a newsletter now as well and I can't wait to publish it. Hopefully, by next month, I will be able to publish my website and my newsletter as well. I will share the link with you guys once it's out! ❤
I've also signed up for a bunch of courses! I joined musical theatre/performing arts, pottery class, Model United Nations, Competitive debating, coding (python) and so many others! I'm at a great place now, I'm enjoying all my extracurriculars and for once I've chosen what I want to do rather than doing what other people want me to do and regretting after.
And of course, can't forget my books! I have lined up a bunch of books to read this winter break. I am also doing community service and volunteering work as well! I hope to post on Prose much more often. I hope you guys are doing well and even if you're not, don't worry. Everything will fall in place at the end of the day, make sure to stay strong and just be happy! Make yourself happy and satisfy yourself <3
I really want to share more but unfortunately, I am really busy this month but I hope to post more often here!
Laveenya <3
Am I the blank canvas?
I stare at a canvas filled with a combustion of colours. And I look back at a blank canvas. I slowly ponder. Is the blank canvas invisible? Compared to it’s surroundings filled with colourful and dazzling canvases.
Looking back at me,
I start to think.
Am I a blank canvas?
Who seems invisible?
There’s a time, when you start to,
Am I invisible?
Should I vanish?
I would say so myself, this has occured to me many times. Should you just sit back and have your mind think you’re invisible and you don’t mean anything?
Well, don’t! If you ever feel like this, just remember.
You don’t need anyone out there who doesn’t believe in you. You have yourself. You will always have yourself. So if there’s a time when you start to think you don’t worth anything? Remember that you do worth something, not for anyone else, but for
You’re born to be brave ❤
The light within ❤
Looking out the window
I seek for something distinct
Hugs and happiness
Captures my eye
Turning back to my desk
I feel distress
Feels like it’s been ages
In this trapped prison
Picking up a book
Paints a smile on my face
The sense of calmness
Let me out with a sigh
Why not embrace this
And look on the positive side
There are ups and downs in this pandemic
But make sure to stand strong
Make yourself happy because you’re all you need to put a smile on you face!
Be strong throughout this pandemic and encourage yourself! Do something that makes you happy. ❤
Reduced happiness.
Based on my personality, I’d say being happy is probably something I look for in myself. Lately, I’ve noticed something distinct in myself. I’ve been feeling rather gloomy and down. I begin to ponder what exactly has left me in this mood. Have I been lacking something? I wouldn’t say I was sad nor was I happy. I began to anticipate and the more I did, the more I started to get anxious.
I looked into the mirror and all I saw was my reflection. I walked closer and there’s something that’s keeping me from being filled with joy. I wandered over and over and there seems to be a likely reason why I’m feeling this way. Perhaps the pandemic has really reduced me to see my joy everyday, my friends and family. I’ve really missed them and I think this was the major factor why there’s been this complication to me.
From beneath my heart, I truly miss each and everyone of my beloved family and my friends. I truly desire to see everyone in the near future. I’m genuinely grateful and the sense of relief let me down with a sigh.
On loneliness.
I think I’ve typically been an introverted person. I keep things to myself most of the time. Over the past weeks, I’ve seen a different kind of being alone. I’ve always been surrounded by people, which always keeps me pumped but over time, though I’ve been surrounded by people, it’s made me wonder. Typically based on my personality or do I make people happy.
Sometimes, you just feel like you’d like to distance yourself and have your own space. Lately, I’ve been feeling much of this divergent emotion. It leaves me in curiosity and anxiousness anticipating what sort of a person I am. Perhaps, what do I value in life or something I possibly show passion or talent in.
It’s really all in my head, I need to snap out. In consideration, why am I observing this? Is it because of the condition I am in? That makes me wonder, exactly why, just why?
If I can’t be happy being surrounded by joy everyday, it’s just me overthinking. As I wonder of how do I make myself feel better, still, emotions symbolise your inner self.
There’s a spark of a sense of calmness and that’s all I need. I need to relish or appreciate who I’m surrounded by or what revolves around me.
The future?
There I stood, mesmorized. Is this the foreseen future? I trembled, was it fear? The destruction produced has been...
Was this the future imagined 30 years ago?
The flowers blossomed, and the bright red pettle was astonishing. But, there environment? Perhaps it’s just a dream. If we were to wake up to see the our beautiful mother earth, readful like so, we need to take action now.
Work towards the future we deserve to have. The beautiful creation of the mother Earth deserves to live.
Happy birthday to my beloved sis!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS! I'm so happy for all your achievements this year! Congrats on reach 100 followers on the website! Thank you for being my sister as you inspire me every day to makeme motivated no matter how down I feel.
You truly are the best. @snivyth3
“Hope your special day brings you all that your heart desires!