Quotes from random children
Oooo this is such a fun challenge! I happen to have quite a few quotes because I save them in little notes whenever I hear a kid at a restaurant discussing adding to the conversation or a toddler in line at the grocery store playing with their sibling. Among my favorites are:
"I wasn't chicken... I was just running away."
"I would be a good homeless person."
"Holding farts is painful."
"Yeah, it's mama's hair; it's grey."
"I broke the door down with my rad muscles, my BULGING muscles!"
"Tomorrow we be dogs."
"It's because you don't listen to me like I'm a bug."
"Now I feel like a real man."
"You're a squid's mouth claw."
"Feel my tongue; it's already sweating."
"You're not foolin' anyone super white, super blonde cheerleader girl."
"It's hard to write in ketchup, ok?"
"Is that a headless baby?"
a date
when you find a first,
you rely on instinct;
so you run to your peace,
an elegant term
for the same drought and wind
you previously fought,
when you asked to be my first
i recoiled from your
jury testimony of feelings
and nestled in my tree of peace,
laid on my beach of fire, and
only now felt that it burned
you laughed,
you pursued,
you tried again,
you asked again,
and again,
we made it a fight,
a test,
or rather a game,
placed bets and brought bribes,
as i reasoned our incompatibility,
you said you agree
that opposite makes interest,
garbage makes art,
difference makes memory,
i almost forgot
i couldn't say that
i wanted us kissing
because that meant i lost,
but would it?
bravo, my dear,
you might just win this game
Saved challenges
I think that some way to save challenges for later would be great. Currently, when I find a challenge that I would like to start on, I find another couple I would like to try to complete. Unable to save them, I end up opening them each in different tabs. This doesn’t make a huge impact, but it might be handy.
Hallmark card
Its here! It’s here!
Stand by with fear...
With red and white it’s all so blue.
Explosives blast, and rockets blow.
Friends could get hurt but so could you.
Compare no more this thing with fun...
It’s that time of month, you techy grouch
I know you’re dying, but get your
sorry, cranky, bitchy ass off the couch.
And don’t complain to me I “celebrate” too
with chocolate, wine, and more fine dine.
Nonetheless, Happy Period Time!
a real-life in-person physical-copy
Funny... check
Handsome... check
Street smart,
Book smart,
Musically inclined...
all of the above...check
im not sure if you see the pros and cons of this guy...
bc all all I see are pros *blink*
oh wait
But he was mine.
Or at least he was in my head.
A pretty picture,
a doll, makeup on.
I’d liked actors and musicians,
several deceased individuals,
maybe a couple professional athletes,
and, as any of us may understand, more than a countable number of book characters
...but he was real.
And that was why he was different.
A real-life, in-person, physical-copy.
7th period
last row
desk in the corner
Never talked in person
...can’t get myself to spend any courage
never invest any courage
can’t grow my supply
won’t talk to him
just watch
all I’ll ever do
gave an apple pie to another guy
only the year before
spent all my courage then
wasnt a crush
hate the guy now
for misusing my courage
only watch...
all I’ll ever do
he's so pretty that’s all I need to do
I’d embarrass myself otherwise
Complimented me on a google meet
Told me he liked my pfp
said Merlin’s a top notch show
I didn’t see til he’d left
only watch...
all I’ll ever do
but I’m cool with that
Good sir,
Monday shows promising signs of limpid air and no rain. If rain occurs, Mr. O’Connor can absorb and/or drain any damp liquids using our supply of rags. Our show will carry on. Music has a profound grip on humans’ soul, forming joyful suroundings. Our company should focus on a musical mission. For our show on Monday, Moris Band’s piano, violins, violas, chairs, and props should find a way upon our singers’ dias. Public individuals will occupy rows four and up, roughly four yards from all possibly loud music. Individuals such as you and I will occupy room six, glancing across our dias from high up. Bring up any inquiry any day saving day of.
John Miller
Visions of Villains
We stood in in the backyard of a huge house. It’s ornate finishings and decorated exterior were lost to nature. A gloom had settled for the evening, and the sun neared it’s point of setting.
I knew you’d come.
You see, I knew your mother and father, such courageous people, generous too. However, they kept somethings to themselves, unforgivable things. See, you never quite knew them as I did; no... you’re far too young to have known them then.
Stop, Abe. You didn’t even know my parents.
Oh, I did know them. I knew them, and I loved them too at one point.
I was their firstborn! We are brothers, Graham... brothers.
[Eyes widen]
Yes, it is true. I was their one and only. I was their pride and joy. I was loved. I was given attention and gifts, and I would have grown up beautifuly. But my mother found out she was pregnant with you, and during her pregnancy, she had a vision. I heard the retelling of her vision through their door. I saw it Thomas. It was not just a dream. It will happen. I saw it. What did you see? Calm down. Tell me please. Calm down. He’s a murderer. He’s going to kill my new baby. He’s going to grow up and kill him. Cut his throat. I saw it. He stood in our yard, knife against his little brother’s chin; he’s going to kill him.
Yes. And she was frantic. My father opened the door and found me standing there. He took me by the arm. It was cold, and the damp grass clung to the hems of my pajamas. And I remember shaking so violently that he had to carry me because I couldn’t walk right. He pulled me to this creek, and pulled a pistol from his waist. Now he was shaking. Pistol pointed at me, he turned his head away and shot. The bullet caught my arm. Disposing of me was easy as he pushed me into the creek and watched me flounder. I suppose he didn’t expect for me to live.
They wouldn’t have...
They did... [took a few steps forward] and it was because of you. [now face to face] So I figured, just for its sake, I would say a final hurrah by fulfilling the vision. [with a flourish, a knife was drawn and held against Graham’s throat]
You’re demented.
[smiling] Just a little, but it was all... [As Abe’s posture and grip go slack, Graham twists the knife away and plunges it into Abe’s chest] a prank... [Abe collapses]
A prank... [between gargles and coughs] I got you... [chuckles]
A prank...[Abe laughs. A stream of blood rolls down his cheek] a prank...