I wrote a letter to you.
I wrote it in my sleep.
You see, even in my sleep
I'm thinking about you.
You're in my dreams,
And all my nightmares,
You haunt me like the plague.
How can I make you go away?
How do I get you out of my head?
You're like a drug
I'm addicted to
Your smile, your laugh,
Your pretty, pretty eyes.
I can't get enough of you.
It's driving me insane.
But somehow
I don't know why
I don't want it to end
Me and you
Have our own kind of love
Cause you and I,
We're two of a kind
Our love is
staying up
at all hours of the night
grinning at our phone screens
'cause I said something dumb again
Our love is
holding hands
and leaning on one another
even though it makes him mad
even though he tells me to back off
Our love is
I trust you
You trust me
I just hope you trust me enough
To still love me
When I try to tell you he's bad news
(not that you understand what I say)
Best friends, we are
You and I
I hope it stays that way
When he kicks me out of the picture
Not that I'd ever leave your side
But I would if you told me to
'Cause I'd do anything for you
Since I love you so
Around this time of year
I recall a period of my life
That seemed to be
A thousand centuries ago
But also felt like yesterday
It was a time where I was sick
A time where I wished to sleep forever
To close my eyes and never wake
For the troubles plaguing me
Would only let me be when I
Was lost in dreamless slumber
I was lonely
And if there was a god
Then he took my hand
And broke my fingers
He shattered my bones
And ripped apart my mind
I was dead inside
And my mask was rotting
But there was nothing I could do
Except sleep
For a hundred years
And nothing has changed
Since then
We walk,
with holes in our skulls and knives in our hearts.
There's blood,
is it mine, or yours? We cannot tell anymore.
We've got rope burn around our necks,
open gashes down our chests
We've died in many ways, you know
but somehow we're still living.
They killed us all,
each and every one of us.
Did we deserve it? Perhaps.
No one will ever know.
We walk,
with missing limbs and cut off heads.
Around our feet the blood forms a pool,
a never ending ocean of vivid red
that grabbed our ankles and pulled us in.
We're drowning,
drowning in a sea of blood.
When we rest we can feel it,
feel the gun to the gut,
the pillows pressing down on our faces.
We never speak of it,
it's forbidden, you see.
All we have is the scars on our bodies
and the muttering of our slumber.
And the never ending torrent of blood
falling like rain from the cracked open heavens
and there's nothing we can do
but walk
They made the very sounds of death, deep in the gaping crevice of their tattered chests. Where a heart should beat underneath the monsters' rubbery flesh there was nothing, for their chests were torn wide open for the world to see that they were merciless.
Their blood ran like tar; with every lurching step another waterfall of black muck spilled over broken ribs and charred skin to pool on the ground. Giant, clawed feet soiled with blood of their brothers and the blood of themselves stumbled and tripped, for these monsters were not graceful beasts.
They had teeth like jagged spearheads, and eyes that gleamed the toxic shine of nuclear waste. Their unhinged jaws and dirt smeared faces seemed more ungodly than the fates that they brought with them.
From their throats they brought forth their song of death, the sound of children screaming and mothers crying and fathers bleeding out onto cold, hard stone but smiling, for the war was theirs. They made the sound of bullets shrieking and machine guns firing, grenades exploding and people dying, one by one, their blood like tar in the streets.
And in their torn chests there beat no heart, for although these beasts are not killers, they are only deliverers, they do not look as if they deserve what we murderers have underneath our perfect skin.
Ice Dance
It began with the sun. Its light, like blackout curtains once a theatrical performance has begun. From far away, one might see quite the spectacle; gentle gold against shocking blue in a dance no artist could recreate.
The waterfall's crash into the earth stood frozen in ice. The sun's soft rays caressed its very core, spreading warmth where there previously was none.
A thrum, too quiet for the ear to grasp, began to arise. It welcomed the heat's embrace. As the sun climbed higher into the watercolor sky, the ice danced.
The sun twirled, the ice pirouetted. The climax of their fast paced waltz, crack, crack.
The ice shattered, the sun bowed.
The water fell like the blackout curtains as the performance was drawn to a close.
The Rhythm Within Us
It pulses like a heartbeat,
Steady, strong, and never-ending
It binds us together as the people
Of this godforsaken world
The solid beat inside our souls
It can't be seen, can't be heard
It's the feeling of belonging
The feeling of love
It's the rhythm of life
That stirs deep in our hearts
Pulling us to something more
Pulling us to someone special
Our steps are a dance
To this rhythm within us
Each trip, each stumble, each fall,
Every dive deeper into nothingness
Is a pull of the rhythm
And the end of the dance
The end of the pulsing beat
Is a brand new rhythm
To lead us