Grammar Love
Loving you is like a verb I use to, Describe my every thought of you.
Not correcting what should be
Like an adjective.
Loving you then and now.
You are everything profound,
But not a noun.
God reversed your soul into mines.
Where the meaning of you and I,
has become the predicate.
Eternity everlasting love fulfilled the subject.
Shallow thoughts of a poor man,
May never offend a man of wealth.
Money is the root of all evil,
But that's how one loves himself.
Wise men may speak foolish to one
Who doesn't see their vision.
But the vision is to an open mind
If one is willing to see inside.
Men of wealth just prove how shallow they are until they need a poor man.
Promise Land
Why are we not free?
Why does health care cost a fee?
Why is there a penalty?
Is this the promise land?
Is this the land of the free?
Why does the promise land have so much tragedy?
This is not the promise land unless something is given away for free.
There is no such thing to be fooled by a refugee.
Lies told by liberals, promoted by Hillary.
Ted Cruz I believe in you to save our country.
Never will I stop loving you.
Never will I go without the smell
Of your hair; blowing easy in the
Wind, humming with a graceful spin Never will the one I adore commit a sin
Never stopped fighting for you
Blessed in your skin, everyday is a win
Never will I stop loving you forever
And ever and ever and ever
I Love You
Three words are guaranteed to be said everyday.
Held in the arms of someone special.
In a written letter.
Flowers delivered at your door.
Three words every woman wants to hear.
Giggling, picking daffodils, humming a romantic tune.
Your feelings won't feel the measure of knowing blessings until three words is said in the presence of you looking into her eyes.
" God Loves You" and to say I love you is ridiculous because I am in God's image.