It’s so close
Actually, two steps away from my bed there is nightstand. Next to that is another nightstand. Three steps from there, there is a stack of boxes, waist high. Going around that in four steps is a chair. Kick the chair, you’re at a table. Sit in the chair. You’re sitting at the table, and there is a lamp within arms reach. Click. Open your eyes.
There’s a couple of notebooks next to the lamp. In at least one of them, there is a pencil, a pen is next to the lamp. There, now you- I can write something and actually try to remember what you-I dreamt of last-.
I already forgot.
In Delphine
He neared the end
The corner of Delphine
He went passed the gates
And awaited the unseen
She slipped through the night
With the bag in hand
To Delphine, the end
Within the sights
It followed in silence
In speed and grace
To the meeting place
Of the end in Delphine
Passed the arms of iron
The wire crowns
The obsidian doors
High and down
Steps to the center
The end of Delphine
Time nearing
Struggling composure
Slapping steps on puddles
Sounded and appeared
Drawing near
Rising fear
The clock struck midnight
And In Delphine square
The pair and hair
And secret follower
Appeared in the there
Bare and
Breathless in
From the terrible place
That was
Español y English
Muchas cosas me llaman
Como mis plumas de tinta
Llamándome a escribir
Inspirando mis palabras
Una hermosa frase
O una balada significativa
Una oda a un objeto sagrado.
Uno de mis amores y admiraciones.
Respondo a esta llamada- este impulso
Con todos los pensamientos de mi mente.
Todo fluye hacia una página.
Many things call to me
Like my ink pens
Calling to me to write
Inspiring my words
A beautiful phrase
Or a meaningful ballad
An ode to a holy object
One of my love and admiration
I answer this call- this urge
With all thoughts of my mind
All flowing down to a page