She felt popular and wanted when they invited her along.
She got in the car, singing along with their songs
When they got to the woods, she searched for the crowd.
The place cold and empty, she looked around and frowned.
Confusion filtered through her innocent brain.
Maybe they got the wrong place, it was just a mistake.
As she turned to make her way back to the car,
She was gripped by the arm. Told the party wasn't far.
She went along with the small group and ignored her gut.
Conscious of how silly she would look.
They got deep in the woods when they finally attacked.
She tried hard to escape, scratched and hit back.
They tore at her clothes, ripped them away.
Smacked her about, until in place she would stay.
They went one at a time.
Took turns on her body and assaulted her mind.
Her body was broken. Her innocence stole.
She closed her eyes as evil raped her soul.
They laughed as they finished and tied her hands.
Just incase she tried to scratch them or make any demands.
They joked and drank as she slowly faded away.
They didn't want her in the car, she'd leave some stains.
She was only fifteen when she died.
They left her naked, bloody and tied.
They were caught quite easily. So young and naive.
Not even given a sentence, just a warning to heed.
Her family destroyed and left to fall apart.
Her untimely death always attacking their hearts.
How could a group of vile things get away,
With something so evil like violence decayed.
When her father finally broke, and shot a bullet between the boys eyes,
He was tackled to the ground and sentenced to life.
The justice system is damned.
If I could have met this father, I'd have shook his fucking hand.
Register Two
She was small, but strong, quiet, but powerful.
Not book smart,
but street smart and agile.
She was a fighter.
She had a bubbly personality.
I'm sorry for being mean to you during camp,
it really takes two hands to clap,
so it was both our faults,
definitely mine for whacking you with my pedal on the head...
Love ya kiddo,
thanks for being a quiet but strong support for register 6.
Register One
She was pretty and really sweet and nice, but she didn’t really have a personality, or as I would say, no backbone. The kind that is fragile, no stands, no conviction, the kind that would break easily and start crying when teased. She was conformist and would become someone else, to please someone else, the kind that moulds with the situation.
So, in simple words, she changed as time when on.
Mind you, she was a good friend of mine... but she taught me, not to be like her.
I want To Be someone
Sometimes you want to be someone
But you know you can’t be.
Because something is stopping you
From being that one thing
You can’t sleep at night
Your mind is racing
What if I said this?
Would it even make a difference?
When you go to say something
You find you can’t do it
Because you were shoved down too far
So far your drowning in the dark
You search and search
But you can’t find your way out
And you scream and scream
Till your throat becomes sore.
You pound your head on the floor
Tears falling from your cheeks
You can’t get a hold
Of that one thing your trying to keep
Your sanity is your downfall
You read to keep in fantasy
But your too far
Your drowning in the deep dark sea
You curl up on the floor
Hands shaking like your insane
Sometimes you wish you were
Because your heart feels broken
You hear whispers around the school
Of things they think you did
And maybe you did them
Maybe you can’t remember
You become Ice
You go cold
Unable to grab hold
Of your thoughts
Your spiraling
Your an empty shell
You shove everyone out
Saying you can handle it
Your dad is worried
Your mother wonders
Your brother scared
They all know what’s unspoken
You set out running
Feet pounding on the ground
And you realize
Your running from yourself
Wherever you go
Your dragging people down
A disease
A shadow
You dig down into your soul
But it’s hard to find
That one thing your looking for
Because you are No One
No one understands the pain you’ve been put through
To get to where you are
Because they all Are someone special
Unlike who you think you are
Even just a glitter of recognition
Even just a word
It doesn’t matter to you
You just want to be heard.
You don’t want to be fixed all the time
You just want to be someone
Someone heard
Someone wanted
Someone funny
Someone kind
But your song is dark
Your song
Is sad
And no one
Wants to listen
To that tune you have
Your hope dims
Dim enough
No one
Can see it.
You continue to sing
Your sad melody
Until one day
One day
You become
Someone you want to be.
Because you want
To end life
With that one happy key
And maybe
Even have your sanity
Another day, another dime, another dollar, another bloodstain on my white dress. I scrubbed it for hours last night but it took less time than the night before. it seems i'm getting better at this, adjusting to this lifestyle. The days seem to start out the same, i come in the empty room set up the camera and i wait standing, stareing, smiling. All the while the door opens and they bring in another screaming person. I'm learning to tune them out now, i don't cry anymore when the warm liquid hits the back of my neck and stains the dress again. i just wonder how long its gonna take to get it out less time than before though im glad i bought two of these. Another day, another dime, another dollar, another bloodstain on my white dress.
She Couldn’t Do It
“do it” she murmurs her dark hair flowing in the wind from an open window
“No” she said back.
“JUST DO IT,” she screamed. she aimed the gun at her own head her fingertips brushing against the trigger her soft brown hair stuck to the tears on her face. standing in her room gun in hand, her fingers brushed against the trigger once more. “Just do it” She murmured softly to herself. she closed her eyes in defeat as her finger came to rest upon the trigger.
“Mei! m-mei-mei?” She heard the voice of her 4 year old sister question what was happening, her voice quivered as if she could feel the sadness and tension in the room.
“Close the door Eva” She murmured shakily refusing to open her eyes too see such a sad scene playing before her eyes. she heard the door shut quietly and the soft patter of feet.
Her eyes snapped open at the pounding footsteps up the stairs her door burst open and she saw two of her very own terrified looking parents.
“Melinda w-what are you doing?” she heard the shaky voice of her mother. which was different from her usual melodious tone “What everyone wants mom.“she smiled sadly. “I don’t want this baby, don’t do this to me. don’t make me lose my baby girl.” Her dad cried, his blue eyes filled with tears unbelieving that his daughter would resort to this. “I don’t want this either, Mellie. i want you to live and get married a-and give me some grand babies.” Her mother said her original soft brown hair messily thrown into a ponytail.
“I-I’m gay, lesbian however you want to say it” she said quietly, she flinched at the anger in her fathers eyes “I-I d-didn’t mean t-to be, m’sorry” She hiccuped, fresh tears making its way down her face. she gripped the gun tighter her finger moving from its resting spot on the trigger “Give me the gun” Her father said sternly. “No” She shook her head rapidly, taking a step back.
her mother took a step forward, “Mellie i don’t care who you love as long as you love uncondinally. give me the gun, honey. just put it in my hand, and it’ll all go away. i’ll make it go away just like i did when you were 9, i made the monsters go away right, baby?” Seeing Mellie nod she continued “I’ll do it again, i’ll make them go away, baby” she said as her own tears made their way down her cheeks.
“Y-you promise? Y-you W-won’t let them h-hurt me again?” She hiccuped, rubbing her tears away with her free hand like a child. “No baby they’ll never touch you again.” Her mother took another step forward, Getting closer by the minute.
“p-promise, mommy” she said quietly staring into green eyes that matched her own. “I promise baby. i 100% promise they’ll never touch you again.” Mellie squeezed her eyes shut before releasing the death grip she had on the gun. it now hung loosely from her hand as she placed it in her mothers. her mothers hand quickly handed the gun to her husband as she collapsed with sobs. she fell to the ground catching mellie, brushing her locks of hair away as she cried murmuring her own apologies
she hated herself for loving woman. she thought the world would be better without someone like her. she hated herself because of something she couldn’t control. now she has to learn to love herself or let it destroy her.
535 words