Prose is Special
How long have you been on this site? 5 years, though I haven't written nearly as much as most of you do in a few months :)
What brought you to Prose to begin with? Someone metioned Prose on SUPER so I browsed and started. I needed somewhere to write, it's strange I don't share my writing with my family or friends I don't know why exactly.
What is your favorite thing to do on Prose? Express myself among friends. That is Prose so many folks here are helpful friends. Challenges do help me when I need a push.
So the people here and their writing has been what keeps me here.
Thank you Prosers!
Scarlet not red, was the color of her petals
Caught was the eye of the gardener
As the wind ravaged the stately gathering
Real terror filled the gardener’s heart for her safety
Lest her beauty be lost in the storm
Even though removing her might be ruin as well
Time was not their ally
Remembrances of flowers past
Only haunted the gardener’s thoughts
Shall truth fade from this world’s day
Even now perhaps it is only in the mind’s eye