The Pig Picture
in an age of connections,
we couldn’t be more disconnected
from each other and the pig picture-
pig was a typo
but appropriate
so I let it go
-that’s right, pig picture,
as in the big picture
of forgotten literature,
cookie-cutter marketing
of our once-respected Art culture,
within our self-segregated
profile inducing human-horticulture;
vultures of consumerism
caught up in a maze
of conditioned monetarism,
war in continuum,
personal Vietnam's,
training the masses,
by way of experiences,
to look out for #1;
before anything else…
because no one else will…
don’t be so disconnected
you fail to see important connections
that effect your lives as you live them.
(6 months ago, one of the best but overlooked that I've written I think...)
Jumble Challenge #3 - UPDATE
FYI, for those that didn't know I was out of town. Got back yesterday and am working on various projects, one of which is the final judging of the #3 challenge that comes complete with the 16x20 canvas/painting of the winning Jumble for that challenge. As a reminder there are THREE judges for this and with respect the other two will remain anonymous.
Here is how it will go:
1. The judges will individually read ALL entries selecting the ones (that are indeed a jumble, on topic, creative and mind-tapping-- which means the ones that leave impressions with the Judges reading.)
2. Once the Three Judges have selected their "Top Picks" ALL THREE Judges will compare-- the jumbles chosen by all three go to the next round PLUS any single picks the judges advocate for.
3. With the "Top Picks" sorted we will deliberate collectively and choose ONE #jumbletongue winner to receive the 16x20 canvas painting with their jumble.
4. Once the winning piece is selected, I will write another post like this to announce the Winner and contact them to flesh the details of their poetry painting!
Please keep in mind:
As I (another_proser) read through them, I will comment on ALL of them. Please try to refrain from judging my comments as hints to which piece will win, they're just individual reactions afforded to each submission. When I write the Winner Announcement, I will further comment to explain why that piece was selected... then tease you all with the preparation for another poem-painting-prize Jumble challenge!
Please allow us a week to review and choose!
|| another_proser ||
Sharp knives
Heavy guns
Chalky pills
One action
So quick
Heart stops
Fears in your head
But your demons do not die
They run into my head
Now screaming at me
Telling me
That it's my fault
That you are dead
Now I stand here
Clenching this rope
Losing all hope
Strong rope
Sharp blade
I'll be with you
And I'll finally have
Nothing to fear
Sweet Angel
Hello my sweet angel
Did you make it home safe?
Or was the road bumpy?
I miss you on this big green earth
You were an inspiration and the reason for me living
Despite all the killing that happened you still breathed life into others
You taught me how to love one another and to spread peace to every sister and brother
You were an angel like no other
To me you were like a father
The day you brought out the gun and pulled out the trigger
I succumb to my depression and fell in love with the liquor
You made me question myself
I felt lost when you left
At first I was mad being here by myself
But you taught me to do better
My sweet angel
Freddy I'm living the life that you taught me
So thank you for everything my sweet angel
Dear Everyone
Dear school,
I'm sorry I don't get my work done on time,
But I dont have the strength when the depression just pulls me back to my bed.
Dear parents,
I'm sorry I'm not a good role model for my siblings,
But life has been rough for a while now and being strong for them is hard.
Dear bae,
I'm sorry I can't keep you happy and myself happy,
But I'm trying love, despite the fact that I'm not happy with life anymore.
Dear siblings,
I'm sorry you have to hear me cry myself to sleep at night from down the hall,
But it's at night that the demons come to play with how I feel about myself and I just can't help but listen.
Dear friends,
I'm sorry I don't hang out anymore, or text you guys,
But I stay up late at night and I need to sleep to look like I'm not falling apart in front of you guys.
Dear society,
I'm sorry I'm not what you would consider normal,
But your idea of normal is everything I just can't be no matter how hard I try.
Dear self,
You hurt people and always come up with excuses as to why...
You are your depression
You are your anxiety
You are your scars
You are your fear
You are your insomnia and your sleepless nights.
You are... You