What has happened to our Prose site? Every other post is spam, advertisements, bullshit.. And I'm not talking about the ads you can pay to disable, either..
Ligit posts that are just advertisements for libido drugs, diets and weight loss, and even escort services??? When did this happen and why is it not being stopped? This wonderful place is being destroyed! Where is the management? What's going on? This sucks! What the fuck?
#whattheeverlivingfuck #downhilllikeawagonfullofshit #breakouttheweedwackers #getoffmyproseyoubastards
Shoot for the Clouds
Look up to the sky,
how high can you see?
That is how high you can
go if you're free
Aim for the clouds
and don't look away
Keep going and you
will get there one day
Don't let the peons
deter what you dream
Keep your eyes up
with that determined gleam
You have control
of your own destination
Quitting should never
be any relation
Shoot right past
all those negative ghouls
You have all you need,
you have the right tools
When your hard work
has become a success
You will be glad
you never settled for less..
#dreams #freedom #success #determination #destination #goals #reachforthestars
You have nerve and silver tongue
Got your way since you were young
There’s no moral quality
You’re a serpent in a tree
You were caught and that is fact
Had the chance to leave with tact
But instead you act a fool
Hoping you can still look cool
Every “friend” you think you had
Really thinks you’re pretty sad
You have zero loyalty
How loyal do you think they’ll be?
You’re not as smart as I once thought
Looking back how hard I fought
Just to prove my worth and love
Thought you fit me like a glove
Stood behind you thick and thin
Gave up me so you could win
Had the world when you had me
Now you’ve lost your dignity
There is nothing you can say
That can even hope to sway
My decision set in stone
By what I saw on your cell phone
So keep talking all that shit
What you say does not mean spit
No one is listening to you
They all know it’s nothing new
Won’t be long before they see
You aren’t who you claim to be
When you’ve no one on your side
Where will you run and hide?
#challenge #vent #fuckyou #cheatingpieceofshit #waytoogoodforyou #crymeariver #outofyourleague #bottomfeeder #barnacle #wasteoftime #betyoufeelstupid #sogladyouregone
Least Favorite List
Things I don’t like are easy to list
Like things not good for me that I can’t resist
I really don’t like it when something smells bad
And there are so many things that make me sad
All of the kitties locked up in the cages
The abuse of animals sends me in rages
What’s even worse is when people hurt kids
And all of the babies who just die from SIDS
Humanity’s strife with violence and greed
Never being happy just to have what they need
Big corporations who hurt Mom and Pop
And those who are causing tree numbers to drop
Politicians who promise things they never do
Our government lying to me and to you
People too stupid to think for themselves
Ethics and honesty put high up on shelves
I don’t like mean kids who pick on the others
I pray that they get beat up by big brothers
The way too full prisons and jails make me mad
Many are locked up who really aren’t bad
Young men and women sent into battle
By corrupt government who see us as cattle
All I can do is the best that I can
Make sure my son grows into a good man
Try to treat people with respect they deserve
Instead of expecting, I hope I can serve
If all of us tried to be much better people
Maybe we wouldn’t be surrounded by sheeple..
#challenge #leastfavoritethings #thingsidontlike #listofcomplaints #wheresthecomplaintdepartmentanyways
Story End
Your tears are the ink
flowing out of my pen
For years we have fought,
but we never win
These empty halls echo
your screams of pain
It won’t be forgot how
you danced in the rain
Sweetly you succumbed
to all that I asked
You revealed all while
I remained masked
I became the monster
hiding under your bed
I never told you that
inside I was dead
I twisted the knife
dug out all that was good
I emptied from you
all the love that I could
I destroyed all so that
you couldn’t mend
Such a tragic way
for our story to end.
If You Don’t Believe
If you don't believe that I hung the moon
If you can't conceive that you'll kiss me soon
If you arent relieved when I am around
I guess this just isn't love that we've found
If you don't believe that I am your life
If you can't conceive me being your wife
If you aren't relieved when I pull you close
I guess I am not the girl you want most
If you don't believe I'll love you forever
If you can't conceive that I'll leave you never
If you aren't relieved to breathe my perfume
I guess I am not the one you'll consume
If you don't believe losing me would be tragic
If you can't conceive that our love is magic
If you aren't relieved that I love only you
I guess that it's time that we say 'adieu'
#love #life #poetry #rhyme
The lady of light shines her becon at night
Seen by the prince of the dark
He cannot resist the beauty he missed
She doesn't know he has a heart
He watches and cowers watching her shower
The earth with her trail of tears
He tries to touch what he longs for so much
He's held back by his doubt and fears
There's just no way the queen of the day
Could ever love the likes of me
She dances and dips, on moonlight she sips
He longs to, like her, be free
He wants to be close, to get just a dose
Of warmth from her splendid array
The stars leave a trail so again he will fail
When before her to know what to say
His anger grows but the time never slows
Soon it will again be too late
Seething, he knows when the day comes to close
Thru the night he will just have to wait
She spins and she twists, doesn't know he exists
Approaching the final hour
The Prince turns on earth so that he can give birth
To the excess of his power
The rage becomes fear that brings all children tears
As darkness floods into their room
His built up frustration is what drives each nation
Closer and closer to doom.
#light #dark #love #heartbreak #anger #fear #doom #earth #war #peace #pain
Not Enough Words
There are no words that can say how I feel
When you come to me and before me you kneel
Taking my hips between both of your hands
Your cheek is manly and rough where it lands
There are no words that describe the awe
When I looked at the sky that day and I saw
A winged woman who filled up the view
Right from the clouds it seemed that she grew
There are no words that completely portray
The sky on fire at the end of the day
Colors you'd never believe could be real
Not one single word can describe how that feels
There are no words that can give any peace
When the life of a baby child must cease
Grief and shock cut the heart just like ice
There is nothing about any of this that is nice
There are no words that can tell of the grief
That hits my soul and there is no relief
When I find out about the innocent girl
Taken and sold in the black market world
There just are not enough words for my art
The poetry that I write straight from my heart
So I do what I can with the words that are there
To paint a picture that my reader finds fair..
#words #life #challenge #pain #awe #beauty #death #nowords #notenoughwords #poetry #rhyme #writerscommunity #poem
You Are
You are the breeze after the rain
You are the curvy, twisty lane
You are the night's very first star
You are the searching near and far
You are the smell of fresh, new brew
You are the noisy morning crew
You are the dream I wish could stay
You are the child's scary first day
You are the smashing of the glass
You are future, present, and past
You are the zing of a lemon squeeze
You are that flirty, sexy tease
You are the fear of humiliation
You are the victory of a nation
You are a crack in the hot, dry pavement
You are the day after I pay rent
You are a laugh I couldn't hold in
You are the days I look really thin
You are that one, random tear
You are the surprise of every leap year
You are the road crew waking me early
You are fresh brushed teeth, so pearly
You are the wisdom that comes with years
You are the reason to face my fears
You are the bee that chased me inside
You are the rush of the ocean tide
You are the soft butterfly wing
You are the bell's loud clear ding
You are the nights I can't ever sleep
You are the road that's icy and steep
You are my wild imagination
You are my secret deviation
You are every forgotten word
You are the sound I've never heard
You are the door that creaks at night
You are the eerie, spooky light
You are all that follows disaster
You are the happily ever after
You are just what I'm hoping will be
You are the ideal, perfect me..
#youare #life #love #happiness #living #breathing #everything #you #me #poetry #poem #rhyme
Why I Write
It is so out of the ordinary for me to post anything other than poetry here on Prose, but that's what the requirement of this challenge is, so here goes...
I write to outlet emotions, thoughts, ideas, dreams, theories, to organize what's going on in my mind, to figure out all of the "why"s, to inspire, to encourage, to make the reader laugh, smile, cry, think, believe, trust, understand, grow, stay strong, appreciate, feel worthy, not feel alone, fight for what they believe in, care, empathize, take action, be better, keep going, wake up, open their mind, open their heart, be free, hope, dream, live...
I write for me and I write for you.. I write because not writing is inconceivable.. Because if I don't, I can't breathe.
#challenge #whyiwrite #writing #writingislife #lifeiswriting #iwritetobefree