I have always been shoving them away
And saving them for another day
But they cannot wait in their cage
Any longer
They are getting stronger
One always escapes
But shut your ears
They cannot tell you
Shut your eyes
They cannot see you
But shut yourself
They cannot be you
Maybe they are lonely too
And want someone to listen
Like you do.
Old Friends
I'm scared. Actually I'm terrified, but fear is okay. It's human. We all know Fear. He is always right there. You look back at him, constantly checking on him to make sure he is still there, but hoping he's not. You could ignore him or run ahead as fast and far as you can, but he is there. Always. So if you can't run and you can't hide, what then? Well, you turn around and take him by the hand and walk on. Fear is what makes the world great. Without it, what is there to overcome or change? Do not be wary of Fear because he is the spark that changes it all. Take his hand and greet him like an old friend.
Kids are confusing little puzzle boxes. We frustrate over them, but we continue to try and solve them and we like it. We look down at them and try to figure out what is going on in their heads. If we were to crack one open and look inside we would go blind. Grown-ups can't see what they do. They did once, but not anymore.
You know that moment
before sleep when everything
seems to hold a
deep profound meaning.
A nightlight becomes a
symbol of your mothers love
or the speckles on your ceiling
form shapes and messages.
Every creak on the stairs
is meant for you
and your closet starts
to look really full.
Right before sleep is
when everything becomes
new and important.
But then you fall asleep
and the next morning
everything is
Hop on our bikes,
Mine blue, yours red,
Racing down the hill
No hands.
I'd always win.
You let me.
In the cafeteria,
By the windows,
Lunch with you.
Eating trail mix.
You take out the raisins.
Give them to me.
School hallways,
Thinking we're grownups
With our own crowd.
You don't care
About their standards,
It's only just us.
Tell you about
My entire day.
Spare no detail.
You always listen,
Even though
It really didn't matter.
He asks me out.
I say yes.
We smile, I flutter,
So excited and wouldn't
Stop talking.
You listened.
He becomes a jerk.
I run in crying.
You hold my hand
And tell me bad jokes,
Make me laugh.
You beat him up.
On the roof
With the moon
Sitting and thinking.
Grab my hand.
Tell me your truth.
I should've said it back.
I'm sorry.
Bailey’s Constellations
The night sky is a dark nothingness
Expanding into an infinity
That makes us all seem a little smaller
Puts us all into perspective
It's not just empty though
In the right spot the whole sky lights up
Filled with the starlight of heaven
Each star a glimpse into the soul
Each shining with its individual light
That burns into the shadows of nothing
Without them the void would swallow us whole
But they are strong and steady. Always.
At first glance these lights are alone
But they aren't alone. Never alone.
Each is connected to another
Forming a shape and a story
A uniting factor that creates
Constant beauty and magic
A map guiding everyone back
The family in the corner of the sky
I am standing by the sea. Not a tropical sea, but the northern unforgiving sea. My feet are wet and I am cold, but this is where I shall stay.
I keep hearing the pebbles crunch behind me with the weight of footsteps, but when I turn around I am still alone.
The purple sea seems to be laughing at me. Waves going up and down, in and out. They lap at the slimy pebbles just out of my foots reach.
It was in that moment I knew. I knew that the world would keep spinning without you and the inevitable was just that, inevitable.
I turn away from the muttering sea. Walk across the pebbles, up the path and into the void.