Lost Ones...
We look out to the sky, trapped and caged, shackled in our own mind....
We look out to the sun but we see the moon, because we have disassociated our reality from normalcy
We look to the stars...what do we see you may ask?
The burning desires, to the lovers we once had, the family members we lost and we try to remember , the goals we try to achieve when we can't
We look to space, and when you see the empty void, we see the lonely souls, those who have given up on love, those who have dwindled in the darkness that the light cannot reach, those that see a darkest light and pitch black day
When you see the water, we see life, as if the movement of energy , is derived of something you call wet, the wetness is the basis of life in such a dead place
When you see a person, we see the embodiment of what god has granted to us, we see the universe within that person and that draws us back into the aspects of the stars, we see a person and we have a desire to show them love, we see the right person and we are drawn to follow that star and love it unconditionally , no matter how far we may drift into space
When you see life, we see death, we never understood why you could live unlike us, we die when we live like you because you are without our passion and our passion is the willingness to live, and even when we die we still live because we become the star for the next lost one to cling onto