I want to die, i will try to kill myself
How joyful, a baby boy is born.
He screamed "I don't like this, i want the black rest"
Entropy heard him and said "Not yet, you are the joy of your parents, you will live.
The baby grew and one day he fell hurting his head with a large wound.
He cried out "It hurts do much, make it stop, i want to close my eyes for ever."
Entropy was still around "Not yet, you are growing and you will discover the world, you will live."
He grew more and he tasted the bitterness of being left behind, the pain of loneliness amidst the crowd.
He mumbled between waking and sleep "I don't feel but pain, i wish i would die."
Entropy approached and said "You didn't yet experience love or the satisfaction of a doing a job well or earning the respect of others, you will live."
He reached the age of 16, his hormones were raging, his mind was confused and most of his efforts only garnered ridicule.
He sat in the darkness and scribbled on the walls "I hate my existence, i am less than a mote of dust, my life means nothing and my death will be the same, i just want to die."
Entropy descended from the rooftop where she was gazing at the stars "Life has yet a lot to give, you will know reason, fulfillment and will get your praise, you will live."
He grew into an adult, had a career and goals, but he was rejected and failed to find a companion to share his nights, over a glass of scotch he thought "Life is bitter when a man is alone, on most night i think only of dying."
Entropy drank the rest of his bottle and said "You will find your match, then you will know the joy of sharing everything, you will live."
He now has a wife, two kids and a cat, but he always had bitter discussions with his wife, and most of the time they turned into fights, he sat in his car and thought "If i just turn left, the car would turn over and i will die, this is not a life when all your time is spent fighting."
Entropy killed the radiator, causing him to stop the car and she said "You still have to enjoy releasing your kids as adults to the world, your fulfillment would be unmatched, you will live."
He saw his first grandchild, he felt the reality of life in her eyes, he held the baby and said "I have never expected that bliss comes in such tiny packages, i really want to live to see you an adult small one."
Entropy took off her mask and surgery gown and said "I just finished building your death, it comes for you this night, you had full life, hope you treasured it."