some velvet lips can start a fire
and some lies are like ice_ perfect to throw in the glass
and enjoy like a drink
a gin and tonic on the rocks, a set of lies on my tongue
the taste of alcohol burns my insides,
just like the taste of you__ on__ my__ tongue
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This matches perfectly with this clip & song video of Elijah & Hayley <3 ^u^ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PFfEkm3lkmk

OH NO YOU DIDN'T haha thanks for that so much... I listened to the lyrics and found the song lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QliYCrO_Mcw @Mnezz and thank you for the video!

@anarosewood I COULD NOT RESIST Lol xD it’s such a great song <3 :) np!

and so perfect, I feel like I found at least 10 of my poems in those lyrics lmao haha @Mnezz