Time is not a infinite calculation
The concept of time as a calculation skews the very history itself through “ precise recorded events” transpiring in history as facts.
The change of natures mechanics, change over the span where energy interacting and reacting in a continuity in, front, and behind shift constantly.
The concept of “Time”, is the result from a expanding culture attempting to configure the mechanics of nature itself where nature is considered as unnatural with out time.
Usually time is pondered while in a aggressive environment like war, fear, loss, shock.
Extreme changes for harvest or things that lead to rot & sickness.
To assess survival beyond animal nature, is creating a stress point in the brain in the animal.
A connection to the mind.
A chaos breaking into a sense of awareness; “Spiritual awakening” shock, rebirth.
The stress created from feeling of a long life, is from the fear of death or inevitable change itself.
Which over time, change and fear become greed and war.
Death was considered the worst change possible, mainly personified as fear.
Death was seen as “evil” and a corruption to the living; where death is natural.
Loss of life is change & a transfer of positive and negative energy.
Where it becomes attached\charged in the physical is its own imprisonment to another source.
Fear of loss is usually a ruling tool utilized by kings, psychopaths, sociopaths.
And fear was widely tools for pressing realignment of people into religions.
A form of control versus a form of celebration freedom and balances were merging into control and morale.
The sense of awareness in nature within nature would advance into philosophy outside hunting and gathering like most creatures, into positive and negative enforcement from hunting and gathering.
Where surviving into celebratory acts was eventually seen as influence of survival in nature; but considered and coined by the royals as profound savages and un-taxed by nature as unnatural.
Where over the ages, we have repeatedly labeled the same general concepts of history life, death, & fear.
Overlapping one name of a thesis of life & death into another, overtime being more than just Beings, rather than natural doing's.
The thesis's of personified reality became part of the concept of time, Kronos\Chronos knowledge of time, god of time, father time.. so on.
Aggression from higher acts of testosterone mixing with herbs creating War.
Marking land & tribe into unnatural ownership, became eventual slavery, and excessive aggression over the regions became to the common a depression & depletion.
The masses for a cause with no reason aside rivalry and confusion.
Loss, hunting, and gathering became inspiration's that formed art dance & worship. Where aggression and fear became dominance and enforced submissions; feasting on grievous amounts of poisons and fats causing bouts of insane ritualism's, eating one another.
Rape, pillage, slavery, flaying one another for a spectacle of strength and a ritual of ridicule..
most of which was diet based afflictions.
The fluctuation of nature: We witness and intercept lightning from above as a gift from the unknown, we communicate among one another and the self, therefore we personify such to be a God; God creating fire, we use gods fire to concentrate cooking for flora\fauna. The flora & fauna becomes enhanced chemically; addictions form from enhanced flavors, body change's occur and adaptations to to diets becomes faster, chemical adaptation loss of general organs for grass eating; lower gut bacteria to adapt to less raw animal digestion in the body.
Chemical adaptation's develop into a higher state of chemical interaction within the brain itself being memory and fats much like the meat we eat, & habits become hard coded; the mocking bird humanity evolves; advanced in tools and practices from “the gods” producing lightning, fire, heat; dehydrating plants herbs medical hallucinogenics and the conversations to the outside and unknown creating, phobias rampant diseases and mad kings driven by their incessant reflection in gold.
And the occasional over drugged cultist.
To dominate land, animals, and people; only to sate intrigue and ego into vanity and pride as a truth;
only to foreshadow ownership as a loss. An assumptive assessment, with burying one another being the price of profits and smoke and fire.
A remade truth to dominate, a victory that serves none, and an endless tale of madness that continues today.
Fields and formulas bend with extremes, much like erosion, or territorial war, and chemical adaptation.
Another plane of field, what we call magnetism, is a rotation of the sun, radiation, and the earths core creating its own field, all interacting to the aural patterns of the celestial bodies causing force and momentum by radial energy.
Where astral is the alternate fields outside of the physical body on alternate planes.
The aural energy of the sun or CME's, hitting earth is creating weather patterns that reflect similar to the very surface of the sunspots.
The earth in a natural mapped out field, can predict disasters which can be located in measure from the sunspots and then shrunk to contrast location much like radar on a map.
Activity to other celestial bodies creating electrical storms, hurricanes, quakes, etcetera are also affected by this phenomena like Jupiter's electrical storms for instance.
Planets giving of a specific radial energy, and even creating a inverted form of energy in stages of planetary retrograde; all of which have been known to their cause and effect from sages & the ages.
For as long and old as the concept of gods and astrology, being the forgotten core map is the blood type & the birth date; from palm reading lifelines, to Falun Gong, the ancients & zodiac the mind body and soul..
Stages of planetary retrograde affect creatures alike; the mind, the body, and the aural transgressions. Even cognitive habituation in either positive or negative ways can be programmed or instinctive reactions to the energy and the changes it creates.
The effects of radial energy is connected to “temperate sensory”; like hot and cold or pressure systems overhead, or under ground.
Unique pressure systems in the equilibrium become to an animal, or the sentient, as a instinctual migration habit.
Over ages and eons, extremes occur and fluctuate fire solar storms of increasing magnitude, bathing the earth in the rays of decay, where carbon dating to read dirt is asinine malarkey due to the radiation baths continually found in extinction periods, from the Deluge to Dinosaur extinctions.
Ever notice rocks and veins found in stones that look similar\simular to wildlife and the present biology.
A fascinating study to be quite honest where giants and animals are quite obviously large and present all over the world in abundance only in the forms of rocks and many of them look much like present day lore and current animals..
The energy of balances, is only as infinite as one positive and one negative at the same time occurring.
The areas of potential are bound by the limitless infinite possible.
There is no exact direction or exact formulation of time aside energy of space and interaction of energy.
As much as the concept of time fluctuates, it is a field of energy based on the radial energy of the planetary bodies, it is not as simple as 60 seconds, one minute, or one year. That changes with the contrasting moments of the universe and beyond our own existence as well as during present state..
Time is simple as the positive and negative energy interacting with the current present form.
Positive and negative energy being the source to all forms; astral, aural, mental, physical, dimensional, and radial.
Where the totality of that interaction inter-loops into sanity and madness as truth.
Positive and negative being part of the will and the awareness; a guide and journey.
A cognitive mind is only powered by the energy before and after in a continuance of exchange and advance.
The exchange and advance being the soul; the instinctive imprint of before or the life of past.
The spirit being the aural energy of the present and astral.
God's, being the energy that creates the main forms physical astral and dimensional.
There is no singularity called time; there is no one formula that remains stable everywhere to every level.
It is all interconnected.
There is nothing to own, as it is as endless a war to achieve; such as a power is improbable and impractical to master, a fools goal.
The only achievement from self claim into any excess, is that fear and death are one of the same if met with absolute consequence.