Stream of Consciousness
Challenge Ended
What do you think is the worst thing humans do to each-other?
Ended March 31, 2019 • 35 Entries • Created by WhiteWolfe32
What do you think is the worst thing humans do to each-other?
The 8th Commandment
Thou shalt not steal is the 8th commandment given to humankind. Eventhough it is 8th on the list it is first in importance. All of the worst things humans do to each other can be avoided if people kept this commandment. You're probably asking yourself, "how is stealing the worst thing humans do to each other? Stealing money or goods is bad enough, but it's the intangible things that can be stolen which are most important. Idolatry is the stealing of God's glory. Lying is the stealing of truth. Adultery is the stealing of one's love. Killing is the stealing of one's life. Rape is the stealing of one's innocence.
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