She made it seem they were happy
She made it seem they were a family
She made it seem they were loved
She made it seem they were number one
He did what he could to make them happy
He did what he can to make them a family
He did what he can to make them feel loved
He did what he can to make them number one
She no longer was happy
He did what he can to make them happy
She no longer thought of the family
He did what he can to keep them a family
She no longer showed them love
He did what he can to make them feel loved
She no longer made them number one
He did what he can to make them number one
She lost sight of their happiness
She lost sight of family
She lost sight of love
She lost sight of her number ones
She abandoned them
She abandoned hope
She abandoned love
She abandoned herself
They were abandoned
They were losing hope
They were losing love
They were losing themselves
He fought for them
He fought for hope
He fought for love
He fought for his family
She is her own happiness
She is her own family
She is her own love
She is number one