not under, not over, go through
A beautiful wall glistening with tears
That shines like a million diamonds in the rain
Glowing in dripping wet gems of dust
Sliding down the studded wall
Into the hell-hole of eternity
Black and more black
Ultimate blackness stained by tears
Of the grieving and mournful wails
Resonating through the emptiness
Of a hole, a black hole
Dripping diamonds and wind
Blowing through empty skulls, lost for the future and past
The light, fading fast, draws a circle, a halo
Of diamonds and souls, red and blue and black and green
Given by the angels in Hell
Of monsters and men, shut out again by the doors
Golden doors with diamonds
The diamonds keep reappearing, don’t they?
A reminder of what has been lost, of what will be lost
And what is being lost right now, today
A reminder of the tears that have been shed, the tears that have been wept
The tears that turned into diamonds on the lonely wall
That I have hit.
The wall is a barrier to the land of happy souls
And the diamonds are the souls of those who were kept back by this wall
It is a distraction and a prevention
It is a thing that stands in my way.
I kick it down and it shatters into dust and cement
All that remains are the diamonds
I stared with my empty eyes, felt the gasps and cheers and tears of those behind
And as the dust floated away in the air
As the souls poured in
As the diamonds were reclaimed
I thought back to something
The criminal I loved had told me.
“Do it for the waiting. Do it... for the waiting to be freed of tears, do it to become a nostalgia full of hope.”