What does love feel like?
Have you ever felt a summer breeze, on an empty porch, only birds chirping lightly,
and the sun brought along his sun shades, so it's hot but not?
Have you ever passed a person that smelled so sweet that you drifted back to a song that loved you on the inside and reflected on the outside?
Have you ever woke up in the morning and smelt eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, and hashbrown gliding up your stairway straight into your being, and that scent alone picked you up and walked you down the stairs just so you wouldn't think you were still dreaming?
Love is all those things and anticipation of how soft something would feel against your warm face and knowing that this was intended for only you.
Love is a feeling that covers your body like a blanket covers a bed, and once you are under it, you don't want to leave because it relaxes your everything.
What does love feel like? You tell me.
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