It’s Not The Same Anymore
Its not the same anymore.
You used to call me in the middle of the night, telling me how the moon reminded you of me.
How it was ever-changing, a constant balance of light and dark.
Its not the same anymore.
You used to call me, hope in your voice, love in your words.
You called me firefly, because i had the ability to bring light even to the darkest nights.
Its not the same anymore.
I don't watch the moon anymore.
It's a reminder that you are more of a day person now, you spend your nights with someone else.
Its not the same anymore.
I don't get your calls anymore.
There is no love in my words, there is no hope in my eyes.
It's not the same anymore.
I am no longer a firefly, bright and heartening.
I am a moth, drawn to the flame in your eyes that no longer see me.
It's not the same anymore.