The Colors of Fall.
Heaps of sparkling sand and crumpled leaves lie forgotten on the roadsides, only to be blown away by the cool wind seconds later, Nature's very own air conditioning system.
My hair lasts longer these days, just like the heavy darkness that falls over the city by six pm sharp. But before that, you can feel the glaring heat of the sun casting a sickening pale glow over the city, the sky a mixture of orange cream, with spots of aqua blue in between and layers of thick cloud floating by lazily, violet tendrils creeping in from around the edges of the horizon.
As soon as night falls, the cloudless sky gives way to a bright moon and a lone twinkling star, two actresses putting on a glorious show for the whole world to see.
Suddenly, the AC’s throw feels harsh and unnecessary upon my aching legs, another sign that winter is on the way. For now, just the fans will do, thank you very much.
I would never wear silk to bed like I do now. It’s soft touch and warm embrace soothes my shivering body, clinging to it like a second skin. The only thing I need now is a bundle of soft blankets and some hot soup and I’m good to go. Thank you, God. You have given me all the comfort in the world that I could ever wish for. I love you.
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