finally someone speaks out!!!
reading this brings tears to my eyes,
i rub my tentacles, removing loose scales, and dried ooze, and think, that for the first time, despite all the hardship and all the problems, all the injustice and all those slings and arrows, there is hope. it is truly the power of the word to bring in me such an flood of emotion. inundated as i am by this deluge, i only regret that this masterpiece, did not come earlier in my life. oh, how could i have benefitted from such an uplifting message, such a strong protest , as this is, when i was younger. oh, how would i have been made greater in heart of only i had read this earlier in my life.
but perhaps that is the point. i was not worthy of reading such a thing, i was perhaps not even prepared for such depth of though and beauty. perhaps it would have just passed by my awarness then, as i occupied myself with lesser things.
perhaps this is nothing less than a summary of what I stand for. the article is me, and I am it. it matters not that it was not penned by my hand, for indeed that is genius that stand behind such work; the abillity to transcend the limited perspective of an individual and reach a more profound, far-reaching and universal measure of the existential condition.
some would say that they can not relate fully to this wobderous piece. it is as if it is written in tongues to them. some criticize the devisive nature of this piece. i shall say to that, that it is a testament to a free society, that ideas can be freely expressed, even if they are througholy misinformed, ignorant, malignant, or shallow. it is not wrong to have an opinion. but having an opinion is no less a test than forming one. having, ir rather, RETAINING an opinion , despite overwhelming evidence, despite the moral implications of such an opinion is a sign not of wisdom or knowledge, but of closed horizons, and obtuse attitude.