August Drabble Challenge: MURDER!
Tell me a story using good, solid prose in exactly 100 words. This month, tie it in to MURDER. Not necessarily the act itself, but that'll be fine, too; use your imagination. I want a super short story somehow related to doin' murder. No need to tag me, I'll read all the entries in September and select a winner.
Murder, by any other name ...
How this story came to be,
I’m obsessed, or so it seems.
Talk in rhymes or riddles, now?
Take it to the limit: Ciao.
You’re so wrapped up
in your little world
full of boys, boys,
and your pretty girls.
I am watching from my vantage point.
Little do you know,
I’ve got you figured out.
Where you’ll be at
any given time
is recorded
in my Masterpiece mind.
Why I’ll do this
after all the torture.
I may NEVER know.
I will blow it all, you see?
my Ultimate Delight for your
dead Peace of Mind!