He´s startled awake by a nightmare. Ghosts drift into his room to tear at the open gash in his chest. Love, family, childhood all snatched away like toys thrown out by a careless mother. Red spills from his wound. It‘s the color of the sunsets he watched as the sun disappeared behind a war-torn horizon. Recollection stabs at his soul, startlingly accurate in its thrusts. Every night he battles demons: Hate, fear, death, and war. They attack from every side. They know where he is vulnerable. They never let him forget. Terror grips him as his heart is ripped from his chest…again. Mutilated by memories he closes his eyes and tries to sleep. She sits up beside him. She takes his hand in hers; anchoring him to reality. Her soft words stitch the tear in his heart. A kiss brushes away the blood. She takes out her sword…he would not be alone. These flashbacks would burn and they would dance on the wreckage.