Who’s THAT relative who you want to ban from Thanksgiving? You know, the one who just loves to stir up controversy. Make one up if your family’s so dang perfect. Challenge ends a little after the holiday to give you time to nurse your hangover.
Seconds, Anyone?
It is an easy call. In my family, I am the one who would be banned from Thanksgiving dinner. With a wife, daughter and two college aged grand-daughters what chance do I have, being a politically incorrect, patriotic, conservative leaning, straight, white, southern male who refuses to help cook the derned bird? (Although I will clean up after, single-handed if necessary.)
But to their dismay I am right there every year, beer in hand in front of the ballgame, as far away as is possible from the kitchen and it’s matriarchal man-bashing.
Because hell, someone has to pay for it all.