Jagged, Powerful Scars
A shaman performs a ritual for the weakening of a tyrant.
The enemy has long created strife for the people, and injured their spirit.
The shaman inflicts wounds upon his body to symbolise the spiritual wounds of his people. Using sympathetic magic, he identifies his wounds with the common wounds. By the law of sympathy, the enemy itself has therefore injured the body of the shaman.
A second link is made between the body of the shaman and the spirit of the enemy, so that the injuries do not sap the shaman's own strength, but the strength of the tyrant.
A lengthy and time-consuming ritual, requiring the full healing of the shaman's wounds. As they heal, they will drain at the tyrant's strength, suffusing it in the body of the shaman, changing the balance of power, turning the tide of conflict.
The ritual is complete only when the final wound has finished healing.
But such wounds heal strangely, leaving bulging, vibrant scars which tell jagged stories and hide great power.