Monthly Stream of Consciousness Challenge for March.
You've walked in from work. You're burned out, and at the end of your wits. The job is taking its toll on your sleep, your relationship, your quality of life. By your window that fronts the city sits your typewriter and a blank page. You must write, because if you don't, the job will have all of you. Give it to us. Winner is decided by likes, and will receive a crisp $10.00
Is it worth it?
Such little pay,
For the mental toll,
It takes day to day?
You can’t leave,
You have mouths to feed,
Barely scraping by,
Pinching pennys,
While the world only,
Accepts Dimes,
As it continues to,
Drain the life out of you,
You wake up every morning,
And do what you have to do..