A Picture Perfect Day
What would make today a perfect day for you? Or tell us about a day in your life that was perfect.
sleep deep undisturbed
in a room with curtains billowing
spring breezes smelling of new mown hay
birds in the distance punctuating the silence
dreams of people and times passed
my mother comes to check I've not kicked off
the covers of my grandmother's hand stitched quilt
my father bends to give my forehead a quick kiss
then lovers come in dreams
and we roll and pant so slick with sweat so sweet
one after another without a hint of guilt or tension
not a word just touch on fire cooled then lit again
sleep deep refreshing restoring my soul
in a room that passes from day to dawn without me
free from hurt harm evil pain distress aguish torment sorrow
cocooned warm tucked in fabricated wishes made memories