Health Delays
I'm chronically ill, so when I have an additional health problem (especially several in a row, which happened recently), doing anything is pretty difficult. I'm so used to health problems interfering with plans, that when necessary, I warn people about it.
I've already delayed a Wolftown post once due to health problems, so I definitely did not want to again. Unfortunately, because of an ER visit and needing to follow the doctor's instructions, I have to postpone the next installment of Wolftown for 2-3 weeks. Posting will resume July 19 or 26, unless yet another health problem hits me. On the bright side, since making a goal of posting one story (or part) monthly since October 2023, Wolftown is the first project which's delays I have needed to point out to readers. I posted a couple of other stories by the skins of their teeth; this is an oddly successful, reliable schedule for me.
Even when feeling terrible, I have been able to tell myself stories or bits of stories, and now I generally feel well enough to write them down and edit them. I'm excited to finish Wolftown! It changed so much since the first draft, but I love figuring it out. But I can't work on it at the moment.