A thousand words never seen..
Spots of yellow gold dripping and splotching down,
red bullet dots in a patchy grid, correcting,
alter angle lines in parallel, darting, across the page.
Blue in ripple to a darker tone,
spiraling overlap through gold holes and beyond pigment stars.
blotched distinct brush strokes in anger beaten pools,
around and around, in on itself and disappearing.
Golden rectangles of green cadi-cornered and to the left,
One larger on top than to it's proportionate minor.
White virginal places scattered throughout and extending past edges
Where the pulling color lines lead down the eye to the corner,
and on to begin again.
~This was written by me many years ago when I wanted to paint this painting and did not have any paint at the time, so I wrote it down instead. So nice to have a reason to share it!~