Tea And Stained Glass Sympathy
I am terrified to be vulnerable again,
Protests my soul’s
Battered child;
Can love erase the devil’s palm prints
Stitched around this limping heart?
I’ve tombed myself
In a sun jailed room,
Keyless cathedral
Where recycled trauma bonded visions
Flash digital scars,
Screening sympathy buried scenes
From my faded analogue life.
But I can’t deny
This charmed lapdog dance
Towards your dawning smile,
Obliterating parameters
Made of make believe ghosts,
Arm’s length darkness
And claustrophobic pinch
Entertained for far too long.
So paint lipstick love
Over stained glass sorrow
And let crowing demons
Be downed
And turned inside out,
Cutlass split bones
Now only bird picked memories.
To hell with fear’s straggling horrors.
Hold me.