I know you were more than that
I know you deserved more
I knew it then, and I know it now
The way we were, as children, as people
Was something different than what anyone else had
We always had each others backs, no matter what
Other friends, they had their troubles
So did we, but it didn't seem like it to us
We went together everywhere, no matter what
I always in your shadow, not because you overpowered me
But because that is where I chose to stay, safe and comfortable
We were inseparable for years, and then suddenly
I was in a place you couldn't follow
And I left youI'm sorry
Why? Why not?
We, as a species, can be flawed. We have lived our entire lives never once worrying for another species or any harm that may befall them, simply because we are the top of the food chain. We cut flowers simply because we like the way they look and kill animals without a second thought so we can eat them, never mind the excess, the waste. There is so much waste in the world, both literally and figuratively. We are slowly wasting the planet, the resources and ourselves. With all this waste, who can blame those who start pure for giving up, giving in to the greed that is taught from birth.