Write something with this beginning...
"He was born from the galaxy, beautiful and bright..."
Write something with this beginning...
"He was born from the galaxy, beautiful and bright..."
Our Valiant Knight
He was born from the galaxy,
Beautiful and bright,
His destiny to save us
From the evil blight
That threatened us all
And covered the Deep
With death and destruction,
Come from the darkness
From whenst we sleep.
They came with a hunger
That could never be sated,
But He rose up to fight
The war for which he was fated.
He clashed and roared
Into the ranks of the foe,
Cutting them down in swathes
In numbers unknown.
He saved us all,
But died in the end.
Our faithful beloved
Back to the stars we send.
He was born of the Galaxy,
Beautiful and Bright.
He died for us all,
Our valiant Knight.