Says the Lime to the Lemon,
Wedge, I like your style...
You're big and light
and just a little tart...
Said the Lemon to the Lime:
I think you're spicy, spritely,
and green, but plenty bright.
We each add a touch of acid lace,
jerk some tears and squeeze a laugh
And the world without us, both,
would be missing a zest of life.
Liming challenge @AJAY9979
Condensation of Thoughts
"Clouds are the dream weavers of the sky, spinning fantasies in sunlight," said my love before wayward journey into night, arm in arm, over fiery autumn cobblestone.
"Oh," murmur the passersby, sweeping... peering up.
"Look! there, there are angels, combing their spiderweb hair with a broom, and now the strands are caught, oh! into a spindle, and it shall become... the wool of a whole herd of sheep! across the indigo. See how they run towards the sun! to avoid a laundering...?"
The man at the doorway licks his finger, and checks the wind, "To the south, my fair friends!! To the south," he nods approvingly.
"Aha! the clouds are busy, tonight, darling, making hay before the winter, then."
"No, my love, it's you who weaves, and spins, who turns poofs of breath into infinite flaxen stores upon the wind," says I, enamored with the light, and the chill, that shows to us the splendor of your weave.
Rabindranath Tagore challenge @dctezcan
it’s not you, it’s me
I check challenges daily. I'm very habitual,
and habits, as we know, are hard to break...
which is why it may seem difficult as to why
I've abandoned the one post a day minimum
set for myself, on inception.
For me, a challenge needs to be just on the
edge of personal significance. I need to relate.
Too intimately relevant is not for me. But if,
I can spin it into abstraction, so that it applies
across several planes of shared existence! ahh...
And, also important, mathematically, should
a challenge elicit no less than seven possible
immediate threads... then a line will surely
take the hook, and the hook shall take bait,
and maybe something sensible will catch?
In any case, I'll answer. Form is irrelevant.
Length critical. Keep it open. Time is key.
Require a specific wordage and... I can't.
Though my aim, artistically is bombastic:
I can answer Anything. In brief.
One more Thing: why not post a post???
Like rando. Ah, yes. But you see, I reply
to Challenges!! because this is at heart,
a writing community, and at root it is
Challenges that have the given 'n take;
Even if on posting... nobody replies...
my reply was a reply to a "wondering"
in someone else's mind and in this way
something like a dialog... which writing
always is... extended... when others read
Challenges Challenge @KarenKitchel