It’s cold
And I’m wearing layer
After layer
After layer
I’m drowning in the absence of space
But I can’t help myself
And hats
And scarves
And gloves
Anything so that nobody will ever be able to touch me
And feel me
My icy cold skin
That cracks with the gentlest of touches
The cold that festers in my heart
And freezes every inch of me
So that no matter how many layers I put on
I will never be warm
Fairy Tale
I’ve been here before
And I know how it goes
When you fall for someone
Who’s out of your reach
But things have changed
And I’m not who I was
I’ve learned how to entice
But not how to love
And yet your icy eyes draw me in
And I know it’s not right
But when I write you in words
You somehow feel real
In a fairy tale way
And I just hope
That you won’t go away
Hands on my skin
They caress away my fears
Whispers in my ear
That tickle my soul
Lips touch my lips
And stars erupt
From the space
That once separated us
I grasp onto you
To every strand and thread
Afraid that you’ll unravel
At my touch
All I want to do
Is hold you close to me
And feel your warmth
Drain the ice from my heart
I feel your breath
On my skin
As you bless my lips
With a summer breeze
You push me down
And I see the light in your eyes
Your eyes close
As I open my eyes
I wipe the slumber
From my weary eyes
And sit up in my chair
As the chiming bell rings
You give me a smile
And I feel sick inside
As you walk by with your hand entwined
In the hand of another girl’s
Star Kissed
I lay my head upon
A pillow of daisies
Fairies flit through my dreams
And kiss my dewdrop lips
They place their slender fingers
In my slender hand
And lift me from
The daisy covered field
I dance barefoot
Drunk on the starlight
Laughing as the wind
Flits through my hair
The fairies twinkle in my ear
Their laughter is bells in the breeze
I hold out my hands
And they dance across my palms
The moon disappears behind the mountains
As the sun peeks from the south
The fairies close my weary eyelids
And I fall to the ground
I wake in my bed
Star kissed
I peek out my window
And see fairies dancing in the daisy field
The Painter
He opens his eyes
And yawns
He pulls out his soft bristled brush
And dips it into his silky paint
He streaks the rosy pink
Across the baby blue of the sky
He rummages through his paints
And pulls out a soft orange
He blends it in with the pink
Until the colors are so intertwined together
You can't tell when one ends and the other begins
The painter steps back
And takes in his masterpiece
The sky is his canvas
And the dusk is his muse
Wash Away the Pain
In the dark
The shadows are my friend
They hide my pain
Rain falls gently
Calming my fears
As I reminisce of gentle raindrops
Drenching me
And summoning a smile
The rain is my friend
It washes away the hurt
And although it washes away the ink
The scars stay
A reminder of the pain
And a reminder to keep my head up
And catch the gentle drops
Because rain will come and go
The pain will come and go
And it's time for it to go