My favorite world is "Golden"
Golden is the bright yellow color that I adore
Golden is when the sun's rays lay on your
gentle skin and warm you up.
Golden is when a person is bubble and bright
that they make the whole world stop and stare.
Golden is when your smile is so radiant
that seeing it can make someone in the
deepest sorrow smile too.
Please, my love,
never stop being golden.
A mask of my love
he Has never loved me sweeter
elliot, is his namE
hIs smile is as gentle aS the sun
how he Holds me, oh
i woUld do anything for his touch
he took me to a picnic the otheR day
unfortunaTely, it began to rain
so we had a change of plans and watched a movie
i must tell you my friend, he is quIne dreamy
a true pleasure to be arouNd
you should meet him sometime
you two would be deliGhtful pals
perhaps we can all go out for dinner
there is always that chinese place down the road
how about we Meet you there on Sunday for lunch
how does twelve thirty sound?
wonderful! we will meet you thEre then, margaret
until then,
(now go back, my friend, and make note of all the capital letters)
Somewhere Along the Pumpkin Vine
Somewhere along the pumpkin vine
A leaf begins to fall
A perfect, crisp orange
The ones you like to step on
As you hear a perfect, satisfying crunch
Somewhere along the pumpkin vine
Somewhere along the pumpkin vine
a crow begins to stalk
Perhaps a nibble, maybe a bite
must not be far along
A smashed pumpkin is there, he sees
Somewhere along the pumpkin vine
Somewhere along the pumpkin vine
A little girl shrieks
"Daddy, Daddy, this one!"
She speaks
he cannot say no
so they put it in the wagon
A snip is made
somewhere along the pumpkin vine.
Somewhere along the pumpkin vine
A girl sits
A cozy sweater, A cup of tea
A moment of gentle bliss
She breaths in the cool, crisp air
Her hair is wild in the wind
she doesn't seem to care
She waits
Somewhere along the pumpkin vine.
Kind of happiness
I haven't felt this good
In a really long time
Naturally, anyways
Sometimes a new relationship
may make me feel good
or jamming out to my favorite songs
but this is a natural happiness
A woke-up-on-the-right-side-of-the-bed
kind of happiness
A damn-I-look-cute-today
kind of happiness
An everything-will-be-okay
kind of happiness
An today-I-want-to-write
kind of happiness
A I'm-going-to-give-my-partner-a-big-hug
kind of happiness
A blissful moment-of-watching-the-sunrise
kind of happiness
Yet, I can't help but wonder
How long it will actually last.
As I sit here
Looking up at the stars
Orion, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor
Cancer, Taurus, and Virgo
All decided to show their glistening
orbs of light
And decided to show
Itself to someone
As small and meaningless as me
As I sit here on the beach
Reaching my hands into the sand
Seeking the warmth that lies beneath
I've never seen something so beautiful
I try to take a photo
And capture this moment
But it won't show the stars
Just the black night
But maybe it's okay
Perhaps I wouldn't be able to
Remember it as well
And have this moment
Engraved in my brain
If I focused too much on
having a photo
And not being in the moment.
You taught me that
I was naive.
That showing someone my temple
Does not create love
It only created
A lust, a wanting
An eventual feeling forced
"I don't want to..."
"But your body is so beautiful
And I'll get blue balls if you don't"
You taught me that
nobody ever truly stays
no matter how much you think they are.
That they are not the
"love of your life".
They are the love of your life
for the 6 months that they last
You taught me that no matter
how much you think people like you
they still think you are stupid
and not enough.
You taught me that
I don't need a romance
to be happy.
I don't need you
I can love myself
and practice self care
I am so much happier without you
I am living the life I want.
Fuck you for making me feel
hurt and pain over you,
still to this day.
Yet, thank you
for teaching me I don't need
assholes like you
in my life.
Loving Her
She gave me a gentle, empathetic smile. I loved that smile. I still love that smile. Her hand trailed my arm as she turned around and left. Her touch was soft. Oh, how I longed for it. I turned around and looked at the excuse of a mother. "You are a monster."
"You cannot love that... witch. You are a girl! It's wrong and I only want to protect you from living an eternity in hell." I felt my fist clench as I stood there, in a cold and hard stand-off with her. "You are supposed to put your children first, before any 'belief system.'" I said between my teeth. My mother just ominously smirked at me and shooed me away. She was furious, but would not show it to me. She could not silence me.
"What's so wrong about it? If loving her is a sin then I... I don't want to go to heaven!" She snapped her neck her head around and glared at me. "There's nothing up there I would need anyways, hell, I'll sin all seven days just so I can be with her!" I spat at her feet, right on her fancy new shoes.
"You are a woman. This is not how one should behave or believe." She snarled, taking a few steps closer to intimidate and challenge me. "You may put God first, but her body is my temple and her soul is my savior." She grinned and sarcastically said, "Poetic."
Her fists were clenched too. She wasn't going to back down. But, little did she know that I didn't plan to either. There was a moment of silence "I pray for you. That you find God and that you can return from your," she hesitated for a moment, "selfish ways."
"Well, while you do that, I'm going to be loving the girl of my dreams, her." I shouted, slamming the door behind me as I went to find Mirri.
This short story is inspired by the song Loving Her - Katie Pruitt
One Red Tulip
"One rose-berry tea coming right up!" I exclaimed. I swung to the other side of the kitchen and put water into the shiny copper kettle. I put on my gardening apron and went out to the back door, gently plucking rosebuds from the bush. The roses smelled beautiful that day. I took a moment to breathe in the warm and fresh spring air. As I trotted back inside, I pulled out the cutting board and gently chopped the rosebuds into fine, little pieces.
I put the rosebuds in the kettle along with a couple of cranberries. The smell of the tea brewing was darling. The one thing I love most about working here is the aroma. The honey, the cinnamon, the lavender drying along the walls.
I began to daydream, wishing to own my own shop when I'm older. Maybe even having my own husband, calling him the love of my life. I spun around, my dress flowing and spinning as I did so. Once I find that man, he would be dreamy, I'm sure. He would hold my hand and make scrumptious bread to go along with my tea. He would be sweet and kind and great with kids. Everything you need in a man, really.
The scream of the kettle snapped me back to reality. I began to pour the water into a separate teapot and say a spell as I did so, as was tradition. "Bring love to the one who drinks this." I softly spoke to nobody in particular. I brought the teapot and matching teacups to the table. There, a soft girl about my age sat.
She was quite breathtaking. Her light green eyes reminded me of leaves. Her hair was a gentle strawberry blonde pulled into a loose, messy bun. Yet, what stood out to me most was the freckles dabbled along her skin. "Why, thank you!" she said with a smile. There was a gap between her two front teeth but there was a part of me who found it... charming? Adorable? Precious? I couldn't quite think of the word.
"I must say, I love your dress!" She said, I stood there a little surprised. "My dress? Thank you, I made it myself." She chuckled to herself a bit, "Maybe you'll have to show me your ways." She hesitated for a moment before continuing, "And this tea smells darling!" This time it was my turn to chuckle. She was so sweet and joyful. "I would love to sit and chat, but I have customers to attend to." I said shyly, nodding in the direction of the cervitaur* waiting at the counter. She nodded understandably and I went over to the counter. I pranced over the counter and took the cervitaur's order.
Yet, as I was making his tea, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I always believed that some people were destined to meet by fate. Surely, if that was the case then fate would make it so I would see her again. She seemed like a kind, young lady anyways.
As I glanced at her, I realized that she was no longer there. A few coins had been left on the table. I had walked over and started to clean up as I realized that she had left one single head of a red tulip. This was universally known as the symbol of love. Much how you would bring your mum a bouquet of red tulips or plant them in your garden to bring you love. I rushed out the door, just in time before she would be completely out of ear shot.
"Excuse me, Ma'am! Who are you?"
She turned around, gave me another gap-tooth smile, and then walked away. And holy Aphrodite, I was in love.
*a centaur but where the horse-like features are replaced with those of a deer.