There Are Angels Everywhere
I ran into an old lady the other day.
We chatted for a couple hours as I sanded the cabinet drawers of a bathroom I am remodeling for a friend. She was an absolute hoot; a spirit of pure fire. She was a blinding light of passion, love, and fearlessness.
We talked and laughed. We both immensely enjoyed each others company.
She eventually had to leave abruptly for a meeting, and quickly hurried off.
I momentarily freaked out, as I realized we had not exchanged names.I felt bummed that I hadn’t done so. Later I realized our names didn’t matter, because our souls had just touched for a while.
I later found out that she had terminal brain cancer, and would soon be gone.
No matter who you meet each day, remember to treat them with the upmost love and respect. You do not know what they may be dealing with, or what they have endured.
We are all special and deserving of love.
We may be old and set in our ways, we may be young and quick to change.
We may have lost, we may have endured.
We can always choose to lift each other up and touch a soul. Sometimes both reach out to touch the other, like the lady I met.
Our names did not matter, but that moment did.
Only Forward
Anxious thoughts
Clouded mind
Future and past
They’re all mine
I am what I have made
I am what I’ve become
My recollection dims,
Of the me that’s in the past
I focus on the now
I focus on the future
Never forgotten
Never lost
But is what I am now
Thankful for the lessons
Thankful for the blessings
I do the best I can,
With the things I have been given
My family
My friends
My life
I am what I have made
I am what I’ve become
I have none
Without the good
Without the bad
I would not be where I am now, without the steps that led me here
Happiness & Love
Happiness is not a thing to be obtained or to find; rather it is the side effect of good memories being created...
Happiness is not in the future; it is in the moments you choose to create now.
Happiness is the Holy Spirit.
Happiness is the smile on a face.
Happiness is holding a newborn baby.
Happiness is the choice to be the light in someone's day; no matter how yours is going.
Happiness is knowing you did your best, and made the most uplifting choices you could have.
Love is sacrifice for the betterment of another.
Love is family
Love is unfailing no matter the appearance inside or out.
From You, To Them, To Us
Deep green pools swirling with golden honey
Your eyes pull me in; my heart feels funny
Your wonderful essence
The smell of your presence
Red flowing hair
A color so deep, so rare
Beautiful freckles, beautiful skin
It carries love within
Carried two for us; the best
Because of you; I am blessed
My love for you
My love for them
You all
My all
I Love you