Smile in there
Cherry fucker
You sure have a long way to go
You sure will dance in Ibiza
You sure will rub rosaries on silent roads
You sure will be protected from what you fear
Your rubbed rosaries will testify
You sure will live
You will also shout victorious on that podium you didn't desire but was always yours
You sure will not starve
I have written to God for you
He responded that why don't you write yourself
I told him you're sad
He said that makes the three of us
So go ahead
Plant that seed on what is now barren
Fuck this wisdom
Just get up and go out
Your steps have long been awaited
he pricked rainbow colored balloons
with no chancery to destiny
rudderless traveler traveling on with
no answers
his existence is a day dwelling into night
and night dwelling into day
he isnt keeping count
nor is anyone keeping his
his many a thousand day
will either be a prophetic journal
or stoners fiction
for it is the sclerotic edifice
of clockwise biological intimidation
churning the inscription on
each sleepers tombstone
those lying beneath bare grass
have been laid to rest
retreating to the familiar is a poetic familiarity
to shores
to coastlines
dark streets or cuts about town only familiar to you
nooky shelter shops
mirror seems familiar too
i see yourself there
my image was once there beautiful
now spavined and sclerotic
i see yourself there
that once pumpy red showboy is conscious
conscious of cosmetic debauchery worded at his expense
his antipathies tattered
she said i was nice
i smelled like spicy black pepper
looked like hardened out wood
i believed her
then she said i smelled like drenched liver
looked like music on death
poof she mixed that with sounded
after these cyclic chants done undone
she had unfamiliarised the familiar
and yet failed to familiarise the unfamiliar
after her lippy pungent possession of him
theres no him either
to you
i found gold in my brothers pregnancy
his tummy sniffed gold and liquor
i swimmed in liquor and sold gold
me the untimely goldsmith
i purchased paradise and dated angels
i created a sky of my own
devil pushed me back to this world
i traded fire and stocks
chisled fortunes and summersalted in riga
my summersalts remanded me back to paradise
having seem both here and there
i chose to sacrifice here for my dobermans afterlife
i live through that litter of his guiding blind soldiers
you may enter my once fortress to kill the already killed me
it is open for all and none
but noone will be caricatured to nothing there
for nothing is an illusion and so is everything
i owe you myself
you buffed up teddy who lived for all
today when i remember you
to be honest i dont think i am anymore
it took years to be here
it will take years to be where you were
but trust me even if i defied and defied and defied
i did so because i didnt know who i was
now i know
i am you and i will always be you
and now i must also walk on salt
in these tiresome shoes and the wisdom of dormancy-
felines and plundered dreams -
all surround the elixir of forgotten and tomorrow some
fortitudes in musky waters -
sanguine little bird whirling
around lesions silled in
red bricks
standing in oblivion
to krakatoa and orlando
exits and brexits
bullets and rowdy
orbits that sanity cuttles upon
“the only shore”
watering ivy grown on an abandoned ferriswheel in neverland
she remembered the eye of the sahara
there was no correlation between the two
but then was there a correlation between anything
walking away from ivy - she stalled her feet in quicksand
she dipped deeper and deeper till she looked down
she found that her feet werent in quicksand but quicksand was in her feet
she mustered courage and tried to find her feet
courage devoid of fate loomed to be nothing
it was the site of an approaching quicksand seagull that rushed her feet up
that seagull was her courage- quicksand her fate
life reversed these analogies to cast her anew
she walked with her thighs covered in wet gluey mud
that green ferriswheel zooming large
all of a sudden she saw kittens sucking onto their dead mother
her son had died leaving her mammary glands painfully milky
those kittens then sucked onto her
analogies reversed again
night had fallen anew
there was nothing in sight other than reflection of a single star on quicksand
she found hope in quicksand
changed her direction after having fed the kittens
her nipples didnt pain anymore
her feet no more in quicksand
she sat by the bay of quicksand and prayed to that single star
she prayed for the quicksand to turn into a lake for her to reach a shore
she slept over it
she woke up to see a shore
the mother cat was sleeping on her belly
she took a boat to the shore and rowed it with the mother cat and her kittens
they reached home to a red sky at a place called zanzibar where they lived happily ever after
star-splashed at what at happened she asked a local where they were
she kept asking but noone replied
there were rivers of liquor devoid of hangover at this place
there were rivers of honey
date palms here and there
and no-one talked but only took a sigh of relief
this really was zanzibar-