The snowflake landed on her nose.
All she wanted to do at that point was stand there, so close to him.
The backs of their hands we tounching.
Before their hands entertwined, he pulled away and wiped her nose.
His touch was warm and tender.
They had never been so close before.
She leaned into him.
”I just wanted to tell you that...” could she bear it? Saying goodbye? “I’m leaving. Moving. Tomorrow.”
He looked surprised, and a bit hurt.
”Where? When are you coming back?”
”I have something to tell you too.” He stepped back.
“I know we just met.”
”But... I think I might love you.”
She gasped.
He pulled her into his embrace.
”I guess this is goodbye.”
”Yeah, I guess it is.”
”Can I tell you something else?”
”I love you too.”
This is one of my first romance pieces(I’ve done tragedy)
As I stand here on the edge of the world, I feel a sense of sorrow.
Nothing could’ve ruined this moment- the waves crashing beneath, turquoise water stretching to the horizon.
Nothing, except this.
You can capture a moment many ways- words. Painting. Photo.
Each can take you somewhere.
But as the world seems to silence, I find a need to capture the moment.
The periwinkle clouds turning dark blues and purples, the sky transitioning subtly from blue to violent red and orange, the sun a soft yellow.
I think of a painting first- where I could express these vibrant colors best- but come up short.
A painting can come from imagination, real life, or a thought.
But to truly capture this moment...
That’s how I got into photography.
At the end of the world, watching the sun sink below the sea.
Art can be words, melted together with endless possibility of meaning.
Art can be a painting, where vibrant colors move into focus.
Art can be a place. That tall oak tree you would sit below as a child. Where you could see the sunrise over the mountains.
Art can be a memory.
Art can be a reminder.
Art can be pain, express pain.
Art can be sadness, loneliness, regret.
Art is beautiful.
Listen to everything.
Find out all their secrets.
Don’t trust anyone.
Ask questions, don’t so anything either of them tells me.
Don’t tell them anything.
Keep a camera, piece of paper, pen, and firearm wherever I go, especially with one of them.
If they manage to outsmart me, I will have evidence.
Whoever finds my body with know who killed me.
Laws that state guns can be carried by eligible people were created back when people needed them for hunting and fighting in the Revolutionary War, so, we don’t need to carry them around anymore. Teachers could be bad people, so take precautions or just send them to the military. They’re the only ones who need them.
Meaning is coded in these groups of letters that might seem obsurd to the naked eye, but can have so much purpose to the right person.
But words can leave scars.
Everything you say is either a deep cut or medicine.
Scars cannot be fully healed.
But words can be stitches, holding together two people until the bond heals.