Wolves and Rabbits
I cannot find the shore
Where intention is
More than ritual.
I cannot find peace
Between the blinks
Of moonlight and blindness.
Give money to the
At the stoplight
And I feel
Not so shitty.
Do I wish to ease
The slow scratch
Of hunger
As it rakes out
Against the world in protest?
Or am I oblivious
And just needed
A reason
To smile?
Are we just wolves
Sharing rabbits
And my conscious is simply
A request
That violence
Is envied by peers?
Or maybe I actually care.
I dont know most times.
So I hold the door open,
When I can,
For strangers,
Hoping that if I see myself
In everyone.
Maybe some of this counts.
Much like the moon
And what it pretends to be.
First Round on Me
Let's share scars
like shots,
each of us Picking
our own poison.
A necessary
to kill the words
only we ourselves understand
before they sneak up throat
and give the deaf
The last words
of the day,
Words we will never recall.
I know your pain.
The anguish of
a story lost
that will circle
forever in the presence
of oblivion.
So I'll have Jim
And you have Jack,
And we will both
drown the demons
dripping from our pens,
like snakes stretching
after the frost.
Shadows that grow
beneath the best parts of it.
Don't worry my friend,
darkness will make
everything safe again.
So let's share scars.
Like shots.
And make everything
the same shade.
Till everything blurs,
I'm finding faith
Self-laced intentions,
Like a dot to dot
Painting insanity
Or something else.
So I interrogate
My eyes
And why they bend
And spin
Light as they do.
Is anything real?
So I will follow
my greed
Into the foundation
Of everything
I will never know,
And create night
With eyelids and hope.
And I will see her
As more than
An outline,
When I can trace
But darknes,
Peeling like scars
From from the center
Of me.
I peak back out
At the dawn.
And i wish I
I could see everything
Like this.
And follow the greed.
The truth is,
Being wrong
Is fucking
Because she looks good
In both outfits.
If only I could
Dapper as fuck
In my confusion.
Maybe truth
Would never
Drop beneath the horizon.
But when it comes
To her,
You always squint
At the fucking sun.
Rejoin As She Rises
She was created
from the depths, born
between time and tears
before she escaped
snares trapping perfection.
so my dreams run red
in a feeding frenzy,
consuming ghosts
like daydreams
and various insecurities.
nothing good
can come from this.
remorse is a juggernaut
and it really pisses me off
when my scoops come
up empty.
the popular fallacies of love
pool around my bones.
so I will sink
soft beneath the sand
and catch her
On the way up.
Whispers, Waves and Paying Attention
She's casting whispers
on waves again,
Lets the sound starve for air
and spread between the tides.
And I'm counting bubbles
within the mist.
And her echoes
wash up and
shape the shoreline
until I find myself.
Walking this tightrope
that only I'm aware of.
She's looking at a dreamboad.
I'm dodging steps
so I don't trample something
I never knew existed.
And the waves are nonsense
but feel truth.
So I'm tapdancing in moonlit blindspots
because I don't want to
stomp on dreams.
I will let the ocean
pool in my palm before
I carry it careful to a flame.
Boil it out and trace the clouds.
Just...looking for clues
I probably let pass by.
And I will miss something.
So I'll show scars and wrinkles
as proof I tried.
Hoping the textured leather
around my heart
tells a story she hasn't
Heard yet.
A lot of maybes
Die within hope.
Guess I'm praying
for chances now.
An Answer Delaying
I'm missing audio.
Still, twisting silences.
Ears bleeding memories,
My moments transparent.
It's about believing
in moments unrealized.
I cannot recreate
this dying sentiment.
She awakes magical
like daylight transcending.
I whisper gratitude,
lost between syllables.
For a syllable challenge. 3 word lines. One then two then three syllables.
Describe Your Writing
My writing is careless at best. I rarely proofread or plan. Usually, I spit some shit out on the page and hope for the best. I wish I could say it's some artistic choice to show the frailty and imperfections of existence, but it's really that I lack discipline. I guess it's a bit like fucking. Give it all the hell you have in the moment of inspiration, but you know you could have done so many things better if the goal was perfection rather than getting lost in the moment. I guess that means a typo is like knocking on the wrong door. Just laugh at yourself and keep at it and embrace the joys of imperfection. As long as the closing sums up intention the reader is left satisfied. So my shits unrefined as hell, but I like to think there's a certain beauty and innocence flowing within my awkward wordings and forced lines or conclusions. When inspiration hits, just spit it out and move on. Wait for the next time a moment cracks you open enough you feel it's worthy of sharing. Repeat. So ya, a lot like fucking.
Hold It In
Don't waste lung
On long words.
Just one breath.
More time to think
In the pause.
The word "she,"
one gasp.
Let that be
The last of my words,
One breath out
To sum up,
All of them.
And all I meant.
is held close
Till lungs
Lay dry,
Till dust
forms a view,
Of her.
And I will have held
All of it
In me,
Like calm
While I rest.
Teaching My Dog to Walk
My dog is an asshole. I love the little guy, but he is THEE asshole. He just refuses to do anything but pull when on a walk. I'm stubborn and dead set on teaching him, so our walks consist of about a five foot radius death match of will power. He pulls. I stop. He stops, and I pet him and walk about 3 steps before stopping again. Repeat cycle. Until I get truly annoyed and call him a dick tickler or something. He wags his tail because apparently he's proud of himself or some shit. End walk. So I'm sitting outside with a smoke and a beer contemplating it. It's like teaching a toddler. But that's a bit fucked. I wonder how much of my framework is based on a similar manipulation. How much of me is the product of conditioning? How many times did I wag my metaphorical tale because I inadvertently bent to the will of another? I doubt any one of us want to know the actual answer to that question. End of the week thoughts I suppose. More terrifying still, is how many times have I been guilty of such a thing? How many stones lie within the foundational concrete of hearts and souls, placed there by my own hands without knowing the ripple affect of my actions? A laugh too fake. An expression that got away like a blade and cut more than realized. A generic answer that made someone feel small. Or spacing out and not catching or appreciating the gravity of the moment. Nothing terrifies me more than knowing how many scars my fingerprints have framed. All because my dog is an asshole.
Username Challenge
I basically just use my name. When I first started I used Cerebral Emotion because I'm always analyzing the scenery within my thoughts. Eventually, after I got to know the community, I changed it to DaveK. Prose was in a transition back then from group to community, and it seemed more relatable and open.