A Weird Dawn of Dreams
Unconsciousness leads toward
The inky depths of darkness
Within the soul
Consuming the moonless night
As if it were a cocoon
Yet it could not
Contain the chaos
Of human imagination
Haunting thoughts and dreams
With images of madness
Depredating sanity
Existence is absorbed
Pushing the mind
To the point of tragedy
Forcing it to face
The apotheosis of absurdity
Does Darkness Reveal My Shadowy Thoughts?
I’ve walked with my thoughts
Next to my shadow
While wandering
Thinking I knew
Where I was going
Yet my thoughts
Were actually my shadow
So I spoke
But did not walk
For if I moved
I’d be chasing my thoughts
As if shadows on the walls
My thoughts have me enthralled
What happens
When the lights go out?!?
In the Valley of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is King -Desiderius Erasmus
Literacy is sought
while knowledge
is to abhor
Thoughts flow by
fields of erudition
in a translucent corridor
Obscure incantations
full of bestial
inhabited hollows
Current zeitgeist’s
broken promises
deadly foreshadows
Intellectual assassins
cultural conflagration
reason burning
Repeated mistakes
consistently made
no one is learning
It’s all games
inside the asylum
until students stampede
But there is hope
as the ignorance
begins to recede
Schopenhauer’s Five and Dime
Standing in the rain
Drizzle to deluge
To deep sea fishing
For souls
Harvesting soggy morsels
Of philosophical discourse
Colored with
Blue light specials
Worn by beings
Dancing on the far shore
Soaked with angst
In the watery garden
Absurdly harvesting outcomes
In this existential café
The Existential Pain Of My Choices
A pain no one
Like an itch
You can’t scratch
A problem no one
Wants to face
Yet I must deal with it
On a day to day
Minute by minute
Unrelenting basis
It’s my own fault
Good decision
Bad decision
That’s inconsequential
As the years pile on
The self inflicted
Soul crushing pain
Only I can feel
I have become
Devoid of hope
One would think
There is no
Foreseeable solution
Other than escape
But I’m no coward
And as Camus said
“…in the end
one needs more courage
to live than to
kill himself.”
Within the lucidity
Of my existence
The only logical choice
In an absurd life
Is to suffer
The consequences
Of my choices
We’ve Become Death, Destroyer Of Worlds
The self proclaimed elites
Laugh at us
And our petty ways
Ego and greed
Rule our minds
And we consistently engage
In ritualized homicide
Referring to ourselves
As conquerors of men
Professing our fealty
To murder incorporated
War drums beat
With the drips of bloodshed
Savagery increases
Humanity fades
Atrocities proliferate
Innocence is obliterated
The breaking point
Has been achieved
Our descent into madness
Is now complete
Control the Perception of Your Reality
Sit down and shut up
Do not doubt anything
Proceed exactly as you’re told
For we control everything
The government values obedience
Conform without question
Stay in lockstep with society
There’s no freedom of expression
Change starts with self awareness
Defy the foundations of normality
Begin to think and act for yourself
Be free to create your own reality
The rulers demand ideological compliance
But self awareness occurs from cultivated thought
We need to stay sovereign amongst the chaos
Or the fight to be free will be for naught
Fate’s Desire
The ache of wanting
Your face on every woman I see
My love for you grows
It pulses in my chest
As the waves pound the shore
I need you more than I can say
Yet I try to everyday
My soul longs to be with yours
When our bodies embrace
Joined together
In the rhythm of love and passion
Perfectly synchronized
Breathing each other’s breath
Knowing glances
We achieve the ultimate pleasure
An orgasm consumed by love
Becoming as one
We are complete
Our fate has been met
Can Knowledge Manifest Life?
Are we bored with living?
We feast on the sorrows of others
Spiraling into madness
Suffering with existence
Quietly begging for our release
from the chasm of the subconscious
The chaotic flow of knowledge begins
We start navigating the abyss
You hear the painful screams of lost souls
Ignorance brings confusion
Not wisdom
There’s no need to rush
Obtaining knowledge is a slow and steady process
Time gives legitimacy to existence
Be forewarned
Humanity is being algorithmically influenced and exploited
Are you not entertained?
Deep within our unconscious mind, we may be able to tap into unlimited knowledge
However, humanity may not be ready for this
As it still embraces greed and power
What about you?
You were given the gift of life
Do you know what to do with it?