Don’t Go There
It's so smooth, `right' just goes down effortlessly.
Sometimes it can be agonizing; which can make it lethal.
Truth is...I think too much.
Too much about your lies.
Lies I used to believe when I thought you were mine.
You wonder why I’m always in my head…
You won't like my answer, you never do.
If you knew what I know about there,
I wonder if you'd even ask;
Or try to console me.
It's challenging to listen to you & them both right now;
I still remember that they can carry me up, up & away
Yes I‘ve heard them all, you know
You? Can’t you hear them?
Well, like you, They're never yielding; trying to rule me.
Intentionally gouging out memories in my life as if to remind me;
“Don't Go There”
“Don't dwell”
“It wasn't your fault”
They're always trying to control my forever!
They give me nowhere to disappear to now.
But I can’t remain in this hell, stifled by your lies.
You ask again, why am I always in my head....
SMH, That's where the truth is.
“Don't Go There”
My life is not what it appears
It's drastically misleading
The choices that I’ve made here
Are lacking and deceiving
Family & friends that I held dear
Somehow have lost their meaning
Left by myself, to my own tears
With the consequences reeling
Remedies are so unclear
& my sanity is yielding
I want only to disappear
& stop this pain I'm feeling
But what if...?
I struggle with the validity of my decisions and romancing the memories of my broken heart blossom new ignorances of unforeseen failures. Somewhere between my doubt and confusion; My preferences are justified. But reality is an illusion, and the truth is camouflaged with lies. It seems "right" and "wrong" lose out to "I want" & "I should of" and then the truth dissipates like fog. I can see the principles blatantly standing out; Because the "right" permeates my whole being. I want to stand on my morals and my sincerity. But fantasy is so much more alluring. Passion is a stern master demanding high commitments. The legitimacy of my situation weighs heavy and the conflict in my mind continues to breed more strife; then questions flood in. Is it right really; if you're the only one who will speak up for it? If that's the case; does it make it really right? Why does that inquiry mean so damn much to me right now? Why can't love penetrate through your brain somehow to overcome some of its imperfections and excuses? Why can't love be right all the time? Why? Because it doesn't see evil at all; & the pain it brings when it can't win; isn't right, it's so very agonizing! & it inevitably brings faulty choices...Bringing your nightmares right into your dreams in the middle of the afternoon.
My life is not what it appears
It's drastically misleading
The choices that I’ve made here
Are lacking and deceiving
Family & friends that I held dear
Somehow have lost their meaning
Left by myself, to my own tears
With the consequences reeling
Remedies are so unclear
& my sanity is yielding
I want only to disappear
& stop this pain I'm feeling
Self Will
Life is lonely led by self will
Friends keep away when they’ve all had their fill
Thinking only of yourself & what it is that you lack
Will throw you so very far off of your track
You’re full of self pity & you can’t see that you’re wrong
You don’t like yourself, So how can you belong?
You shouldn’t push someone to make them react
When we listen, we learn, that’s just simply a fact
Get more out of life! Get a real thrill!
Let go of self & Live by God’s Will
Good Love
Love should be something you rejoice in; and you do...most of the time. But I feel 9 times out of 10 it comes around to bite you in the butt! Then I think about all the killing done in the name of love. Be it God’s love or a simple lover’s quarrel. Love never hurt so good as when it’s combined with passion & it proves that in the midst of all that ...madness; love can still grows to conquer all. You could actually say; Love has to be “bad”, to be “good”. It has to hurt; or it wouldn't feel so good. I do think it can ruin parts of your life if you give it complete control though. Everything in moderation. Give it your all; just don't forget what was like without it...I know I don't ever want to go back there. I don't want to think about a life without you.
A son asked his Dad to borrow the car keys... The Father replied looking over his newspaper; Well, let's see Son, When you can bring up your school grades, spend more time at your Bible study and then get a hair cut, we'll talk about you driving the car.
So the son went off determined to follow through his Father's request. After a month or so when he felt accomplished; the Son went back to his father with the same question...
His father responded with; Son, I'm proud of the way your grades have come up! I noticed you spending more time with your Bible too. But you still haven't cut your hair. The Son then whined; But Dad!!! Even Jesus had long hair! His Dad came back with; Yeah, and he walked everywhere.
Adjective: Serene
Emotion: hate
Noun: Gate
Magical Person: Satan
Adjective: Fantastic
Verb: multi tasking
Teacher: Ms.Bliss
Animal: Horse
Something you do in math: Skip class
Make believe place: Hell
Magical creature: Centimanes or the 100 arm men; 1 is Briareus(as the Gods called him)
or Aegaeon as the humans called him
Noun: Triton
Adjective: theoretically
Adjective: cunningly
Verb: Spawn
Teacher: Professor Long
Verb: transending
Noun: Labyrinth
Adjective: hot
Verb: call
Type of Soda: Cream
Teacher: Mrs. Short
Noun: Titan
Adjective: Real
Job: Gate Keeper
Job: Alchemist
Planet: X
Type of Building: Castle
Verb: Fade
Verb: Gouge
Online Love
Starts without being seen, then an innocent IM
Then you go on all day just thinking of them
It can be any time of the year, Might be his day is your night.
No doubt you can't figure if it's wrong or it's right.
With an ache of desire and sheer flight of fancy,
Your appettite grows, driving you into frenzy.
It's a mirage of sweet dreams, erotica going beyond fantasy.
You bargain with Lies about what you know can NOT be.
& the passion rages on, taking control of your will.
You can't touch, but how you want to, an urgent need to fufill.
No, It's not face to face, moreso in your mind....
But You just haven't lived
Till you loved someone Online.
I love dragons. But are they a myth? I think not. There's one very old book thats quite popular that mentions them. Maybe not by the name dragon. He/they used “ fiery serpent like creatures that fly”. It's in Isaiah; the Bible. I believe they were the Seraphim. They are the creatures that fly in circles over the throne of God saying Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty. So you could use some of them. Gadreel was the seraph that guarded the Garden of Eden. Marut and Harut were fallen angels that practice sorcery. Jophiel was noted for his wisdom, understanding and judgement. Uriel was a seraph as well. He was the patron of arts.There weren't many females though. They usually helped their mate fight off other dragons wanting to mate with her and they just weren't able to fend off the mighty males who were much larger. I have read also that soon after they laid the eggs; they were killed by their mate in an effort to keep their lines pure. So no other male could mate with her. Johoel was one of the serphium too noted for fire. You might google “dragons names” but I thought you might like some real names. But...if you google my names you will find that everyone seems to have a different story on names. Most can't even decide on the names of the Archangels. Almost all get the hierarchy of angels correct but not the names. Heres 400 from google Dragon Names: 400+ Cool Male and Female Dragon Names (worthstart.com) They got some good ones for both sexes. Good luck (I'd love to read it!)